Denyin the scion & glory of the raider

#0 - Feb. 17, 2009, 7:19 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I would like to submit that the inclusion of the denyin the scion achievement in the Glory of the Raider achievement is inherently unfair.

As near as I can tell all other achievements required for the Glory of the Raider achievement are either performed by the raid as a whole (safety dance, etc) or are individual achievements performable while performing your role (Gonna go when the Volcano Blows). Denyin the Scion requires that you not only be DPSing adds, but be floating on a hover disc while doing so. This immediately blocks all healers from performing the achievement. It also unfairly punishes ranged dps classes and, to a lesser extent, tanks for properly performing their roles in the fight.

#1 - Feb. 17, 2009, 7:33 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Some achievements are more difficult than others and some may challenge you in a different way. This achievement requires some coordination in the raid which can make it pretty easy - that said, we have no plans to alter it at this time.