Paid Character Transfer is not working

#0 - Feb. 15, 2009, 8:18 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I am at the CC info screen, enter in all my info and press submit, only it brings it back up and says there is an error on the page and to go back and try again, So i verify the info and resubmit, still no luck.
So i go all the way to the beginning and re fill out everything and still it says there is an error on the page, What do i do? i want to transfer this character to my guilds server ASAP
#21 - Feb. 15, 2009, 8:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this issue has presented, everyone. I'm alerting the appropriate parties of this issue, but before doing so I wanted to know what troubleshooting steps you all have taken.

Have you attempted using multiple browsers?

Have you tried clearing your browser's cache, cookies and temporary internet files?

Let me know!
#27 - Feb. 15, 2009, 9:03 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Yay a Blue! XD well no but i am not going to try anything else until i see the charges removed from my bank account lol. so if you could let us know what you find out would be great

No worries, friend. I am merely trying to get a feel for what has been tried. :)

I'll be sure to let you know if I find any more information.
#31 - Feb. 15, 2009, 9:14 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Anyone know if the charges are really 3-day holds? I know that's not the same as losing it, but a lot can happen in 3 days when your family has health problems

Sadly, this is largely dependent on your financial institution, Malian. Our Billing Department has provided us with the following information regarding funds held:

Q u o t e:
Depending on your financial institution and the terms of your credit card, the authentication process may place a "funds held" for verification purposes. This is a temporary charge that will reverse itself automatically, generally within three to five business days. However, some financial institutions may hold the funds for up to 30 days, depending on their own policies. Please note that these charges are simply part of the verification system. Because of other circumstances beyond our control, these charges do not indicate whether a card will be accepted at the time of payment. In the event that the charges do not reverse in three to five business days (please allow for more time on holidays and weekends), please contact your bank and verify the charges in question. You may also want to inquire with your financial institution as to what their policy is on reversing "funds held" transactions.

If you received an error while attempting to use the Direct Online Upgrade feature via Account Management, and you see a pending transaction on your bank statement, please rest assured that Blizzard Entertainment will not collect the funds for all of those pending transactions if the upgrade was not successful on your initial attempt(s). If you require additional assistance with the Direct Online Upgrade service, please call the Billing and Account Services Department at your earliest convenience.
#33 - Feb. 15, 2009, 9:26 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Thank you all for the reports. I've filled in the appropriate parties and they are currently looking into this. Should any more information become available, we'll be sure to keep you updated.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding despite this obviously frustrating issue.
#83 - Feb. 16, 2009, 12:25 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
It'd be nice to actually hear something else from blizzard on the subject.

When I have an update, Kruchkow, I will let you know.
#164 - Feb. 16, 2009, 3:23 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Blizz - Is there still no update?

I'm afraid not, Loulou, from the reports that I've seen thus far transfers still seem to be going through though the approval time has increased considerably. They continue to look into the issue, we'll provide what updates when can when they become available.

Thank you all for your patience.
#167 - Feb. 16, 2009, 3:27 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Thanks for the reply! The more pretty blue text I see, the better I feel. Does that make me naive?

The assumption is usually if we don't update regularly that the issue has been forgotten about or pushed out of the way to take care of something else. I can assure you that isn't the case. :)

And blue text is pretty. :D
Q u o t e:

No I agree. I keep checking and it would be nice to see an update even if the update is that there is not update.

We've done it both ways, providing regular "I have nothing new for you" updates seems to aggravate the issue and so does not posting until we get one. :) I'll pop in from time to time as a happy middle ground.
#192 - Feb. 16, 2009, 4:45 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Well if that is the case then a blue post needs to be made.
I'm simply furious they have not shut down the character transfers KNOWING this is a problem.
I can handle the 15 or 20 attempts I made to do this. But some can't they will be charged overage fees at some point. And blizzard knowing this is fraudulent.

Smells like class action lawsuit to me.

Please put the crackerjack box down and step away from the toy law degree prize.

First off, we have some people who are experiencing this error but the majority of people are having no issue with the service at all.

Transfers and Online upgrades are progressing normally for a great many people. Why are the people in this thread experiencing an issue? No idea, that is why it is being investigated.

#195 - Feb. 16, 2009, 4:52 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Would the transfer take longer if I logged in and played on the toon I'm transferring, would I just get disconnected on successful transfer?
Could I play on another toon that isn't being transferred?

If you have a transfer that is pending, Napkins, I'd avoid logging into that character. You can play any other character that you are not transferring though without an issue.
#218 - Feb. 16, 2009, 5:12 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
What a joke...
*There's no place like Kansas...."

Yeah just wish your problems away. And insulting people is unfitting of a blue post.

I'm not insulting you, Kohani. I understand that you may be having an issue with this system, an issue that is being investigated. But your rampage through my forums crying lawsuit and that this issue is affecting everyone is a bit ridiculous.
Q u o t e:

I'm a paying customer you work for me.

No, I don't, Kohani. I work for Blizzard Entertainment. Paying for a service doesn't make you a boss, it doesn't give you stock in the company.

It allows you to access a service, the Paid Character Transfer system is an option service, not part of your subscription.

Pleas stop trolling, I won't allow it to continue.

#235 - Feb. 16, 2009, 5:25 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

I may be wrong but I think one of the reasons folks are really upset may be the perceived cavalier attitude towards the situation by Blizzard.

Which I understand completely, Tinston, but we don't have a cavalier attitude towards the issue. It is being investigated but thus far we have found no issues on our end. If we do I will certainly let everyone know. The majority of transfers are processing normally, albeit slower than usual due to the volume of requests but overall the system is working for most. That doesn't mean that we are ignoring the issue that some of your are experiencing, we just can not currently locate what the issue is or reproduce it.
Q u o t e:

Keep us updated on what you're trying and failing on. Even if you're not fixing it, we want to know that this is your number one priority at the moment.

Locating and resolving this issue, is a priority, Nayllem, have no doubt of that.
#247 - Feb. 16, 2009, 5:35 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

With a few confirmed on transferring, how about the people that were stuck on pending for so long?
Should we cancel the transfer and try again or just keep waiting? Thank you for your work :)

If your character is locked for transfer, Jimhalpert, I'd say leave it alone for now. If you are able to log into the character you may want to try initiating the transfer once more. I'll try to get more information.
Q u o t e:

Thank you for validating my feelings.

I"m simply livid with there care free "wave a wand" approach. All I was asking was that they shut the process down. The page actually says "go back and try again" so are being asked to double submit. And in theory 2 hits minimum if you stop after the message that says "please try again".


From my point of view what you were doing, Kohani, was jumping into every thread related to this one and saying that our systems were compromised, also threatening legal action.

These systems are not operated by the Game Master Department, that fact means these threads should not be in this particular forum. However, we who moderate this forum understand that there really isn't another forum that would be able to provide updates so we allow these threads to remain and provide what updates we can.

Post after post demanding something that we can not give and attempting to stir the masses could not be allowed to continue. I was trying to warn you before I was force to suspend forum access to your account.
#262 - Feb. 16, 2009, 5:51 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
The "funds held" or "pending" that people are seeing on their statements are only actually deducted (or charged to) from our accounts if Blizzard completes the transaction. Which, the transaction will only be completed upon successful transfers.


Absolutely correct, Nayllem. The "held" funds should only be held for 3-5 business days (depending on your bank). Since the transaction did not complete the funds should not be removed.

Let me quote something from our Billing Department that Aredek posted earlier.
Q u o t e:

Depending on your financial institution and the terms of your credit card, the authentication process may place a "funds held" for verification purposes. This is a temporary charge that will reverse itself automatically, generally within three to five business days. However, some financial institutions may hold the funds for up to 30 days, depending on their own policies. Please note that these charges are simply part of the verification system. Because of other circumstances beyond our control, these charges do not indicate whether a card will be accepted at the time of payment. In the event that the charges do not reverse in three to five business days (please allow for more time on holidays and weekends), please contact your bank and verify the charges in question. You may also want to inquire with your financial institution as to what their policy is on reversing "funds held" transactions.

If you received an error while attempting to use the Direct Online Upgrade feature via Account Management, and you see a pending transaction on your bank statement, please rest assured that Blizzard Entertainment will not collect the funds for all of those pending transactions if the upgrade was not successful on your initial attempt(s). If you require additional assistance with the Direct Online Upgrade service, please call the Billing and Account Services Department at your earliest convenience.
#271 - Feb. 16, 2009, 6:31 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Thank you; I wanted to make sure that Blizzard wouldn't be "completing" every attempted transfer.

Just so there is no mistake... no, we would not be completing each attempted transfer. :)
#277 - Feb. 16, 2009, 6:44 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Blizz - all I see from you is "everything is fine" but all my experience and other posts I read here as of today says otherwise so I am confused as to whether something is wrong or not.

As you can tell by this and other threads, Wiltor, some people who were attempting to transfer today were receiving errors. Not everyone was having an issue with the service which makes it difficult to track down what the issue may be.

I haven't received any definitive word on the issue as of yet but it looks like our technicians and DBA's may have found the issue and are working to fully correct it. I am uncertain what the issue actually was, if it was with us or with a system that our system must access to process transactions. If I receive specific information I will be certain to pass it along, right now they are speaking "tech" and I only know how to ask where the bathroom is in "tech".
#282 - Feb. 16, 2009, 8:53 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Btw, I was having an issue with transferring one of my hubby's toons this afternoon as well. I think i tried 4 times before giving up. Will I be charged 4 times? I've seen some threads in Tech support saying that peeps have been charged the amount of time's they tried to complete the process.....

Anyway, any info is appreciated!

You may see pendings show up, Zeeanna. Those aren't really charges. A pending is something the financial institution does in anticipation of a charge coming through to match it. They may reduce your available funds or credit, but no money is actually going anywhere.

Those typically clear themselves in just a few days, you may be able to contact your bank or credit card company and have them manually cleared earlier.
#287 - Feb. 16, 2009, 9:37 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Okay ... I'm not sure if my transfer is actually working or not ... but I have noticed something really DRASTIC!

Anyway, I filled out the transfer forms as usual, but I got this error on the Credit Card Entry section:

At first, I was under the impression that I may have punched in my credit card wrong. I even tried a different credit card ... boy, I was definitely wrong on that!

After repeated attempts, I have noticed as I logged on my bank's website shortly after reading this thread ... I HAVE BEEN BILLED FIVE TIMES!

Awww crap ... boy, I feel screwed now.

Those wouldn't be billings, Ayymeria - those would be pendings. Pendings are from your financial institution and may be holding funds awaiting a charge, but nothing has gone anywhere.

Those normally clear themselves within just a few days, or you may be able to contact your bank or credit card company and ask they be removed manually.
#291 - Feb. 16, 2009, 9:55 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Orlyia, First off.. I'd like to thankyou for staying on top of the subject.

Now on to my question:

I've had the same problem as everyone else, but I understand the fact that it's just a hold, etc. I'd like to ask this: When everything happens to clear up and such, the first attempt I made for transferring a character, will that be processed completely, or will I need to start a new one afterwards.

That's an excellent question, Elookel. Unfortunately, I don't have any answers tonight. I'm hoping the day shift that has already started looking into this will have a bit more information come morning.
#297 - Feb. 16, 2009, 1:54 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Good morning, everyone.

I just wanted to stop back into this thread to let you all know that I'll be doing whatever I can to provide you updates throughout the day. Currently, our Web and Development teams are looking into a number of issues surrounding Paid Character Transfers and payment processing.

Unfortunately, we do not yet have an ETA. As such, I recommend holding off on re-submitting transfers or attempting new transfers at this time. Should any developments arise that improve the processing of Paid Character Transfers, I'll be sure to let you know.

If you have been charged multiple times for a Paid Character Transfer, I encourage you to review the following information regarding "funds held":

Q u o t e:
Depending on your financial institution and the terms of your credit card, the authentication process may place a "funds held" for verification purposes. This is a temporary charge that will reverse itself automatically, generally within three to five business days. However, some financial institutions may hold the funds for up to 30 days, depending on their own policies. Please note that these charges are simply part of the verification system. Because of other circumstances beyond our control, these charges do not indicate whether a card will be accepted at the time of payment. In the event that the charges do not reverse in three to five business days (please allow for more time on holidays and weekends), please contact your bank and verify the charges in question. You may also want to inquire with your financial institution as to what their policy is on reversing "funds held" transactions.

If you received an error while attempting to use the Direct Online Upgrade feature via Account Management, and you see a pending transaction on your bank statement, please rest assured that Blizzard Entertainment will not collect the funds for all of those pending transactions if the upgrade was not successful on your initial attempt(s). If you require additional assistance with the Direct Online Upgrade service, please call the Billing and Account Services Department at your earliest convenience.

I appreciate the vast amount of patience you all have demonstrated so far. I sincerely hope to see this issue resolved as quickly as possible.
#306 - Feb. 16, 2009, 4:47 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Any update on this yet?

I'm afraid not, Wiltor. I'll be sure to update you as soon as more information comes in.
#310 - Feb. 16, 2009, 4:56 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Can anyone explain why Blizzard can't just "let go" of the held ("pending") funds to expedite everyone calming down about their personal checking accounts being messed with?

I understand that normally 3 - 5 days they are "automatically" returned; but is there not a "manual" way for those funds to be released?


To put it quite simply, we are not the ones holding this money. Your bank is holding these funds because they have not yet verified whether or not the transaction has taken place; as soon as they realize that we are not holding these funds, the bank will release your funds.

My apologies for any confusion.
#387 - Feb. 16, 2009, 7:52 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Orlyia, First off.. I'd like to thankyou for staying on top of the subject.

Now on to my question:

I've had the same problem as everyone else, but I understand the fact that it's just a hold, etc. I'd like to ask this: When everything happens to clear up and such, the first attempt I made for transferring a character, will that be processed completely, or will I need to start a new one afterwards.

I wanted to clarify this a bit for you, Elookel. If you attempted to submit a Paid Character Transfer but received an error, you will need to resubmit the transfer, even after the funds held are released. It does not appear that the PCT was initiated on our end, and the held funds are simply a result of this failed transaction. With that being said, all money being held as a result of failed transactions should be released by your financial institution; we will not collect these funds. In the event that the charges do not reverse in three to five business days please contact your bank to verify that the charges.

If you require further clarification, please let us know.
#394 - Feb. 16, 2009, 8:06 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We greatly appreciate all of the information you have been able to provide throughout this thread and in your phone calls to our BIlling Department; we have forwarded all pertinent information to our technicians and developers who continue to address this issue.

Unfortunately, due to the technical nature of this issue, I'm afraid that Billing and Account Services Department is currently unable to provide assistance with transfer delays or issues directly related to the website errors received when attempting to submit a Paid Character Transfer. As such, calling our Billing Department directly will likely result in a response similar to what can be found in this thread. With that being said, you are most welcome to contact them if you require more personalized service or have billing related questions not related to Paid Character Transfers.

Billing and Account Services has also asked that I provide you with the following information regarding held funds once more:

Q u o t e:
Depending on your financial institution and the terms of your credit card, the authentication process may place a "funds held" for verification purposes. This is a temporary charge that will reverse itself automatically, generally within three to five business days. However, some financial institutions may hold the funds for up to 30 days, depending on their own policies. Please note that these charges are simply part of the verification system. Because of other circumstances beyond our control, these charges do not indicate whether a card will be accepted at the time of payment. In the event that the charges do not reverse in three to five business days (please allow for more time on holidays and weekends), please contact your bank and verify the charges in question. You may also want to inquire with your financial institution as to what their policy is on reversing "funds held" transactions.

If you received an error while attempting to use the Direct Online Upgrade feature via Account Management, and you see a pending transaction on your bank statement, please rest assured that Blizzard Entertainment will not collect the funds for all of those pending transactions if the upgrade was not successful on your initial attempt(s). If you require additional assistance with the Direct Online Upgrade service, please call the Billing and Account Services Department at your earliest convenience.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding.
#398 - Feb. 16, 2009, 8:18 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Aredek it is the should part that is bothering a lot of us. I understand that you may not have the information but can you maybe list the numbers / emails / etc. of people that will be able to give us a definite answer?

I've edited the post to which you are referring to offer more clarity. Let me know if you still have any questions regarding this particular statement. Thanks! :)

Q u o t e:
Also and important thing is if it is working or not? Seems to be quite a few users complaining that they are still getting errors when trying to transfer as we were yesterday? Will we definitely see a response that it is up and working and there should be no further issues when this is resolved?

Thanks for your help.

To reiterate what has already been stated: please refrain from submitting Paid Character Transfers at this time. We will continue to monitor this situation and let you know once we are confident the credit card submission process is working as intended.

Thank you all for your cooperation.
#496 - Feb. 17, 2009, 12:58 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Just tryed to transfer and got an error again i wonder would common sense tell blizz to shut that webpage down so more people dont get there money held up for 3-5 days i mean for a company that makes a ton of money how come you guys cant shut a webpage down of your own makes sense huh? or are you trying to make alittle extra money. Guild T-shirts not selling to well? so you go this low nice.

The service is working for many of the people attempting it, Sinss.

Folks, it seems that some success has been made but we are still receiving reports that some of you are still unable to complete the transaction. Our technicians are still working on the issue. Though I don't have any further updates at this time I just wanted to pop in and let you know that we are still monitoring the issue and will provide word as soon as it is given to us.
#591 - Feb. 17, 2009, 4:29 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Initial reports show that this issue may have been resolved. I don't want to encourage everyone to jump onto the webpage and start attempting the transfer though.

If someone is able to try can you please clear your cookies and cache, restart your browser and try again. Let us know if you received the same error or a different one or if the request processed normally, it would be appreciated.

If you are going to try, please only try the one time.
#603 - Feb. 17, 2009, 4:44 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
If we didn't receive any payment errors earlier and instead we are just found waiting 20+ hours. Should I bother to put the xfer in again or just wait it out?

If your transfer seems to have been accepted but is just pending approval I'd recommend leaving it alone for now. Approval times have increased exponentially over the last couple of days.

Thank you for the information, folks, for those of you who tried it. I've let our technicians know that the issue is still affecting many of you.
#653 - Feb. 17, 2009, 6:10 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
And whats the big deal about saying a curse word if you cant see it ?????

The Code of Conduct for these forums, just like the Terms of Use in-game covers clear and masked language.

If you have another account that you may feel obligated to post with I beg of you to remain civil in your comments. Circumvention of a forum action usually results in the permanent removal of your posting privileges. I really don't like to suspend people at all so please don't take it that far, it would be unfortunate.

#662 - Feb. 17, 2009, 8:46 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
ok i've read all this text and done some research. Some may call me old school cuz i like to use cash, so i only use a prepaid reloadable credit card for all my online stuff. And after going to the website of my card company i find out that it looks as if im going to be out my money. this is a direct copy and paste from what thier pending transactions FAQ says.

Why is the amount pending sometimes different than what I actually spent?

* Some merchants, such as hotels, car rentals and pay-at-the-pump gas station terminals, have a policy that requires them to pre-authorize and temporarily hold an amount of money from your "Card Balance" that is greater than your actual purchase amount.
* Once your purchase is processed by these specific merchants, your "Card Balance" will reflect the amount of your actual purchase and the held funds will become available for immediate use.
* Availability of the pre-authorized funds can take up to 60 days to be released back into your "Card Balance".
* If there is a discrepancy with your "Account Balance", please call customer service toll free at 1-877-***-**** and Green Dot will investigate the error at no charge. Green Dot CANNOT release funds back to you without a certified fax or letter from the merchant.

After reading this it seems that unless blizz faxes them or mails them a letter stating that they dont need the funds I'm just out my money. And even if they do then my money can be gone for up to 60 days. I guess i didnt need it. Luckily i only loaded enough on the card for two transfers but $50 is $50 and I dont have it. And blizz dont have it. Nobody has it and nobody is gonna get it. Thanks for listening to me vent.

You are more than welcome to convey this information to our Billing department, Fate.

MOST financial institutions don't do this, MOST clear within a business week or so.
#664 - Feb. 17, 2009, 8:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Thank you for you're quick response. I sent an email to the billing rep i spoke with earlier on the phone with this info. But what about those of us who are not like MOST people. I would like to think that my almost 3 years of continued patronage with my 4 accounts matters, and that i will not just be shoved aside as a "rare case". I have never had a problem like this before and would really like it resolved but from what I'm seeing my personal case can not be resolved with out blizz and my card company contacting each other.

I'm sure if you make our billing department aware of this, they'll try to help.

That really is your financial institution's rules, not ours. With it being a pre-paid, I suspect that's probably a major difference right there, but again, that's their rules.

Certainly cannot hurt to give billing a ring either.

Billing and Account Services
Phone Support - 1 (800) 59-BLIZZ (1 (800) 592 5499)
Live Representatives Available Mon-Fri, 8am to 8pm PST
E-mail Support -
    Players in Australia should call 1-800-041-378
    Players in Singapore should call 800-2549-9273
    Players in Chile should call 1230-020-5554
    Players in Mexico should call 001-888-578-7628
    Players in Argentina should call 0800-333-0778
    All other international players should call: (949) 955-0283

#666 - Feb. 17, 2009, 9:04 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I think the problem is with blizzard's billing department.

Last night I tried to upgrade my other BC account to WotLK, however my card just wont get processed so i tried and re-tried to the card processed for at least 5 times within 8 hours time span. I still cant have my BC account upgraded to WotLK, but blizzard has charged me 5 times for the cost of upgrade, which is 43 x 5 = 215 dollars for nothing. (43 dollars i after tax for the cost of upgrade). To make this matter more complicated, my card company Bank of America has locked my credit card to protect me from potential fraudulent activity. Bank of America is willing to reverse all transactions for me. That means they will forcefully take money back from blizzard and blizzard might be label as a fraudulent entity.

I have no idea how blizzard is going to clear this mess up.

They won't be 'taking anything back' on a pending. Pendings haven't gone anywhere yet. Most Credit Cards will in a case like this work with their customers to clear duplicate pendings from holding onto your credit limit. In the extremely rare case of a true duplicate billing, our billing department would be more than happy to assist in getting that straightened out. That's very very VERY rare. Multiple pendings are almost universally what players are referring to when they say they've been 'charged' multiple times.
#670 - Feb. 17, 2009, 9:14 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Is this fixed yet? i don't want more charges for no reason.

I'd hold off a bit till we get a little more confirmation. It does seem to be working for some, but if you were having difficulties before, personally - I'd wait.
#671 - Feb. 17, 2009, 9:15 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

OK..I dont want to play the blame game and I do appreciate your help and insight on this, but lets be real here. Whether it is Blizz's fault or the web based company you use for your transactions. Far be it for me to say, but there was an error on your guys end. And regardless of whos rules is whos I'm out my money. I paid for a service i didnt receive. All i can picture in my head is walking into walmart, going up to the counter with your cart full of loot them ringing it all in then keeping the stuff and saying we charged you twice for that but you cannot have the merchandise and you will need to contact your financial institution regarding those charges. Sorry for the inconvenience and have a nice day. Sorry if I seem upset but i can handle losing imaginary swords and gold but when it is my hard earned cash it is alittle different.

It's not a matter of 'fault', Fate. Pending charges are entirely setup around the rules of the financial institution.

Getting actually charged twice, and your financial institution having rules about setting aside funds in CASE a charge comes through, well - temporarily the outcome may be similar (no access to those funds), but two totally different types of transactions.
#674 - Feb. 17, 2009, 9:40 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

What I demand an answer to...
is how on earth the PCT system knows that I'm a day away from doing a PCT so as to 'break down' and stop me from commencing my PCT. Do Blizz have some precognition software buried inside it somewhere?

Enquiring minds demand a response!



P.S. Just messing with yaz. Yeah was thinking of doing some PCTs again, last time I did some the system broke down the day before I was going to do it. Thanks for the updates, appreciated. :)

*glares at Kantankerus*

So YOU are the one! I see now.

Naw dear, you just seem to be on Murphy's bad side at the moment. Our techs are still looking into this, hopefully we'll get a green light soon.
#934 - Feb. 18, 2009, 4:29 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Not at all, Xeroxes, though I don't really have anything new to tell you. Internal testing so far shows that the error that you guys are receiving is not constant. Some times we get the error sometimes we do not. They are attempting to locate the cause of the error and hopefully squash it.

Edit: Can we stop the trend of posting in caps please. :)

Also Kenshinn, we have nothing that we can "Refund", the funds are being held by your bank and is not something that we can effect at this point.

Since it hasn't been posted in awhile let me quote this statement from our Billing Department regarding these held funds.
Q u o t e:

Depending on your financial institution and the terms of your credit card, the authentication process may place a "funds held" for verification purposes. This is a temporary charge that will reverse itself automatically, generally within three to five business days. However, some financial institutions may hold the funds for up to 30 days, depending on their own policies. Please note that these charges are simply part of the verification system. Because of other circumstances beyond our control, these charges do not indicate whether a card will be accepted at the time of payment. In the event that the charges do not reverse in three to five business days (please allow for more time on holidays and weekends), please contact your bank and verify the charges in question. You may also want to inquire with your financial institution as to what their policy is on reversing "funds held" transactions.

If you received an error while attempting to use the Direct Online Upgrade feature via Account Management, and you see a pending transaction on your bank statement, please rest assured that Blizzard Entertainment will not collect the funds for all of those pending transactions if the upgrade was not successful on your initial attempt(s). If you require additional assistance with the Direct Online Upgrade service, please call the Billing and Account Services Department at your earliest convenience.
#943 - Feb. 18, 2009, 4:45 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Can I please ask you ONE serious question, I am in the "WAITING FOR APPROVAL STATE" is it pointless to be on this or should I stick it out and wait? Not sure if it's just saying it although it's really not ever going to go through?

If your transfer is pending approval, Kenshinn, I'd leave it alone for now. The queues are taking longer than normal but they seem to be going through otherwise.

You should be able to visit the following link to check on the transfer status.
#947 - Feb. 18, 2009, 4:55 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Ok thanks you rock, I'll leave it be, sorry for being rude ealier I was just very upset about everything.. :)

Completely understandable, Kenshinn, the issue is very frustrating. As always we'll provide what updates when we can when we receive them.
#952 - Feb. 18, 2009, 5:07 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Hey blue another question, Are people working on the transfers now? I know it's late I'm not sure if there is people doing it 24/7 or if it's an automated service?

The transfer system itself is automated. We don't have a few people just hitting a button after they review the request, most of the approval period is the character itself being moved. There is a lot of information involved with a character. :)
#958 - Feb. 18, 2009, 5:23 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

plus on top of not being able to compromise 2 of those into 1 because of last name incompatability (i got married)..............which is annoying as all HELL.

You can contact our Billing Department, Jassane, they can send you a form to have the name on your account changed. We do expect people to get married at some point and need to change that information. :)
#961 - Feb. 18, 2009, 5:34 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
omg for real??! nice!!! do you have a link or phone number?

You can call 1 (800) 592 5499 (1-800-59-BLIZZARD) Monday through Friday 8AM-8PM (PST) for live representation.
Australian users should please call 1-800-041-378 if the standard 800 line does not work.

#963 - Feb. 18, 2009, 5:37 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Is it possible via email to the billing for them to manually move my account? or return the money to my credit card?

No, Carandrin, we have no control over how long those funds are held, it depends on your banking institution.

As stated by our Billing Department once more.
Q u o t e:

Depending on your financial institution and the terms of your credit card, the authentication process may place a "funds held" for verification purposes. This is a temporary charge that will reverse itself automatically, generally within three to five business days. However, some financial institutions may hold the funds for up to 30 days, depending on their own policies. Please note that these charges are simply part of the verification system. Because of other circumstances beyond our control, these charges do not indicate whether a card will be accepted at the time of payment. In the event that the charges do not reverse in three to five business days (please allow for more time on holidays and weekends), please contact your bank and verify the charges in question. You may also want to inquire with your financial institution as to what their policy is on reversing "funds held" transactions.

If you received an error while attempting to use the Direct Online Upgrade feature via Account Management, and you see a pending transaction on your bank statement, please rest assured that Blizzard Entertainment will not collect the funds for all of those pending transactions if the upgrade was not successful on your initial attempt(s). If you require additional assistance with the Direct Online Upgrade service, please call the Billing and Account Services Department at your earliest convenience.

Billing is usually unable to manually move a character in such a case either. I'm sorry, Carandrin.
#1024 - Feb. 18, 2009, 5:55 p.m.
Blizzard Post
When you folks are stating that you are still receiving an error, what error, specifically, are you noting? Can you be more specific or perhaps quote the error's full message? :)
#1035 - Feb. 18, 2009, 6:05 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
charges our cards for the transfer

Understood. Thank you. :)

For issues with payment—or with attempts to provide payment—I encourage you to contact our Billing & Account Services department. Our representatives therein will be happy to look into the matter further.

With that said, the charges you are noting are likely unclaimed by Blizzard Entertainment at this time. To expand (as hopefully it will provide some peace of mind):

Q u o t e:
Depending on your financial institution and the terms of your credit card, the authentication process may place a "funds held" for verification purposes. This is a temporary charge that will reverse itself automatically, generally within three to five business days. However, some financial institutions may hold the funds for up to 30 days, depending on their own policies. Please note that these charges are simply part of the verification system. Because of other circumstances beyond our control, these charges do not indicate whether a card will be accepted at the time of payment. In the event that the charges do not reverse in three to five business days (please allow for more time on holidays and weekends), please contact your bank and verify the charges in question. You may also want to inquire with your financial institution as to what their policy is on reversing "funds held" transactions.

The core issue with our PCT service appears to be resolved at this time (that was preventing transfers from completing); however, we are still aware of many players experiencing difficulty with payment and are working on this matter currently. We continue to monitor the situation as a whole, as well.

Again, if you receive an error which indicates an issue with your credit card (or other form of payment) please contact our Billing & Account Services department for further troubleshooting. :)
#1300 - Feb. 19, 2009, 1:47 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I'm just stoked to have all that money back lol. Blue update by chance? Or even an "up" or "still down" post would do.

Really not a lot new to report folks. We certainly haven't forgotten about this issue, our technicians are still addressing it. As you can see from some posts here, it's not global, some players transfers are making it through.

Once we get more information - or preferably a thumbs up from our techs, we'll be sure to update you here.
#1317 - Feb. 19, 2009, 5:43 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey there, everyone--

To help ease any difficulties finding pertinent information regarding this issue, we have created a sticky dedicated to this subject. Please continue all related discussion here:

We'll be sure to provide updates as soon as more information becomes available.

Thank you all for your patience.