Post if u got "Be Mine" & support removing it

#0 - Feb. 16, 2009, 8:53 p.m.
Blizzard Post
To go along with the 16-pages of people posting simply whether or not they got "Be Mine" please post here if (like me) you got the "Be Mine" achievement but still support that achievement being removed from the Meta.

I got lucky, pure and simple. Sure I opened about 70 bags (still looking for Perma-Peddle through 3am today) but RNG within RNG just isn't fair. It should be removed as a requirement for the meta.

No arguments in this thread (there are others for that), and don't post here if you disagree (there are others for that). Just post here if you agree.

How lucky was I with the candy bag? Got it one my first bag, early Friday morning.
#82 - Feb. 17, 2009, 6 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We appreciate your feedback on this and will look into making changes in the future. For clarification this is no guarantee of any retroactive changes but simply that we hope this event goes smoother next year and beyond.
#142 - Feb. 17, 2009, 6:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Blizzard's giving in to QQ's?

What sort of compensation are you going to give to those of us that worked hard and have already gotten the achievement?

Well, if (just as an example) changes don't come until 2010, then I will give you the title "the Love Fool" a year ahead of several people.

Overall we want events, like all aspects of the game, to offer various levels of challenge but also be fun. If we feel things aren't fun we will look into changing them. Straight nerfs aren't always the answer but we will evaluate the situation and go from there.