Wintersaber rep

#0 - Feb. 14, 2009, 11:16 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Back in the day, when I was questing in winterspring, I came across an elf, standing atop a large rock with a wintersaber at his side. I'm not exactly sure why, but I ended up going at-war with his faction (Wintersaber Trainers) and killing him and his fuzzy companion. This made me unfriendly with said faction. At level 70, I realized what he was for, but didn't really want the rare mount that can be purchased from him, so I didn't bother trying to fix it. Now, I'm 80, and I want the mount.

I've searched online, and talked to an in-game GM, both suggest there's no way for me to get my reputation back to normal.

Is there any way for a Blizzard staff-member to reset my reputation? If there was any way to do it in-game, I would, but there isn't, so I can't. Please help, QQ.
#8 - Feb. 15, 2009, 4:19 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I would just go ahead and submit a petition to see what can be done, bud.

And you don't need to be online for us to address a petition. ^_^