Gankers in Hillsbrad...

#0 - Feb. 9, 2009, 10:53 p.m.
Blizzard Post
ok so... in my questing latly on my alts i have come to realize something.

In hillsbrad i get ganked prolly 20 times more often then in any other zone.

of course when this happens i switch over and camp thier bodies till they spirit res

but omg what a waste of time, yea sure i play on a pvp server but i wanna pvp vs ppl near my lvl

not 72's and 74's that are so bored they find questing 23's and camp them

can we get like a warning button to say "Kill me and i will flopp over and camp you"

i really hate gankers that do this

this last time i just went to Southshore after makeing the ganker spirit res and killed every single NPC in the area


my 28 pally could prolly be 30 by now if it wern't for them damn gankers

ok im done ranting
#9 - Feb. 9, 2009, 11:04 p.m.
Blizzard Post
When I feel nostalgic about my early leveling days, I run an alt to Hillsbrad. ;)

/salute to all you gankers out there who haven't given up on tradition ;p

*edited in the ;p for those that missed the implication.
#28 - Feb. 9, 2009, 11:16 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Yes the tradition of allowing others to disrupt play time is one that blizzard seems to hold dear. I understand some ganking to a degree but when it shuts people down completely from doing anything constructive it becomes more of a burden and less fun. Its no wonder world pvp is a dying art when all it is is people trying to ruin eachothers time with gankings. There's no meaning to it other than people who enjoy ruining other peoples time. And yes, i have leveled on a pvp server. I've found that if you give people the chance to be jerks in this game that they will run with that chance pretty much all the time.

I think my tongue in cheek humor was missed here.

As someone else mentioned, sometimes people "gank" to lure others out to engage in world PvP. If it's not something you enjoy, there are ways to avoid it. There is an inherent risk of living on a PvP realm though; that PvP can and will happen whether completely fair or not. On PvE realms, such as Norgannon, you don't need to worry about it the same way.
#31 - Feb. 9, 2009, 11:20 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

For what its worth, I read it as you endorsing ganking, didn't see the :p going on.

I edited it in for you. ;)

Q u o t e:
I still love you nelth =) world pvp has brought me some of the greatest moments I have ever had in this game

Same. I have to say, I have a whole bunch of great memories from the years of play I've been involved in.
#40 - Feb. 9, 2009, 11:28 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

I played on Thunderlord and Andorhal. Leveled toons there, i'm sure you can see my account to a degree to know that. I moved to PVE because world pvp became nothing but ganking. Oh yes lets go nail crossroads over and over and TM. Most times no one came out to help at all and all that happend was a questing hub got shut down. The further the levels and gear get the more redundant the term "world pvp" becomes when used in the ganking context. I mean come on its great to be shut down by some bored level 70 or 80 for hours on end when you are level 30 or 40 right?

Neth its not that i took your tongue and cheek humor too seriously but when you make these posts that seem like you are standing behind a tradition that is more obnoxious than constructive. And most people here take what you say at face value.

No. What you're doing is reading far too much into something than you need to because you feel strongly about it. I understand.

Keep in mind that the situation in Hillsbrad changed significantly when Battlegrounds were implemented. Does some ganking still happen there? Sure. You have the two factions very close to one another and crossing paths with each other both as a regular means of play while leveling and on occasion for special events such as holidays. For some people this is frustrating, for others it's an opportunity for some "fresh air" PvP.
#48 - Feb. 9, 2009, 11:55 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

The battleground did alleviate ganking in world pvp i will give you that. But not as many people BG anymore because frankly pvp is out of whack right now ( another debate for another time ) which has led to more bored level 80's roaming the lands again. Ganking can be fun to lure people out sure. I loved anti-ganking gankers. I agree that was fun. But there was times too that i couldnt quest anywhere ( i was horde at the time ) because whole questing hubs got shut down. Sunrock Retreat, TM, XR and so forth. Made leveling miserable when you can't even turn in quests.

I do apologize for coming off sharp Neth. I've been playing since release and have had my love / hate with world pvp. Ganking is something i felt strongly about because aside from the ocassional ganking ( which i didnt mind. few times even sure whatever ) it usually became a complete character / zone shut down. I wish that with the game growing further and further that they might take time to look at this issue. Soon it may be level 90-100's completely shutting down a zone with ganking.

There is a line between fun and harassment. It used to be against the rules to corpse camp but that was quickly changed. I imagine it was due to sheer volume of complaints to the GM's.

No worries about the coming off sharp. ;) As many people have seen me say (or heard in person), I much prefer people talking about the things that they are passionate about as opposed to silence. While I may not always share the views others have, I can empathize pretty easily.

Some people do it from boredom, some may even be getting that "revenge" they always dreamed of. No, I don't agree that disrupting someone's fun should be a goal of anyone. You have to know when to flip the switch of "that's enough now" and move on.
#54 - Feb. 10, 2009, 12:05 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Yes i agree about flipping the switch. The problem is that alot of times that never happens. Has the game not come far enough now that the developers could look at the current pvp mechanics and see if theres a way to alleviate the situation? I hate to say it but when it comes to some peoples judgement in this game to "flip that switch" it just isnt there. Some people do actually revel in making other people miserable. Some kind of recourse would be nice aside from logging off and hoping that they go away or dragging friends from Northrend to help you in Hillsbrad etc.

I do enjoy a constructive debate though i must admit :)

Always good for discussion. I agree. Though, I think for those with specific suggestions, that they take some of them to the Suggestion forums. :)

Given that this is in fact an MMO, there's always room for change. It's just finding the right ideas and getting the right timing down.
#155 - Feb. 10, 2009, 5:07 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Isn't Neth a girl? If so it would make sense that she supports this, level 20s are probably the only thing she can kill! Silly women gamers.

;) Oh yes, you keep telling yourself that. I'm sure you sleep better thinking that you have never been killed by "a girl". /pat There. There. It will be alright. ;p I haven't been considered a "girl" in a while.

(No folks, we really aren't starting a gender debate. Don't go there. ;) )