Selling game time? Legal? O.o

#0 - Feb. 5, 2009, 11:51 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I saw someone trying to sell a WoW time-card (Those 2-month subscription things you get at walmart) for WoW golds and I was wondering if that was a bannable thing or not.

I know buying WoW Gold with RL money is bannable...I know having multiple people play your guy is bannable...I know linking dirty movies to trade channel is bannable...but can the guy who was selling the time card be banned for selling it for wow gold? :S

EDIT: I fixed my spelling
#16 - Feb. 6, 2009, 1:22 a.m.
Blizzard Post
To back up what some of the other players have said.

The trading of Real World property (i.e. Game Cards, the physical TCG cards) for Virtual property (i.e. Gold/items) is a violation of our Terms of Use.

We currently do not prohibit the trade of virtual property for virtual property so if you wish to trade gold for the code to acquire an in-game item you may. We do not support the transaction itself so if something goes wrong with the trade we may not be able to provide assistance.

An additional post regarding the sale or trade of virtual property can be found here: