Free transfers to scilla failed.

#0 - Feb. 4, 2009, 1:55 a.m.
Blizzard Post
thanks blizzard.
I'm confused as to what the purpose of moving players from high populated realms to a very low populated realm, just to fill it up and give them(scilla) 35 minute Que times?
Obviously there's no logic in that, and it's very poor customer service. this is the first time ever in the two years that I've played on this realm that I got ques. what a horrible attempt at elevating the players on those realms you allowed to transfer to ours. you filled ours up, doesn't make any sense.
and to the trolls, I'm not QQ'ing, understand the value of common sense and customer service,
which was obviously not demonstrated in blizzards free transfer to scilla.

Q u o t e:

So I waited in a queue tonight longer than any queue I ever waited in when I was on Crushridge. Please reopen the transfers and allow me to transfer back to what I see was now a beautiful paradise of a server. Consider my lesson learned Blizzard - the grass is much less green on the other side.

Q u o t e:

I will never, ever believe blizzard again. OMG this is nuts. I was thinking I'm escaping 20 min ques now my Queue number starts at 399, Who knows how long it'll take to log in now.

Q u o t e:
True mine was 399, I wasn't getting that big of a que on wildhammer. This is bull.
#12 - Feb. 4, 2009, 2:34 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Please do not create duplicate threads about this.