Bring back the LFG channel

#0 - Feb. 6, 2009, 12:31 a.m.
Blizzard Post
At one point in time, everyone was automatically put into the LFG channel whether they were looking for a group or not. This was great because it reached everyone and groups were formed faster than ever.

Now people are using trade chat as a substitute, since it reaches everyone in major cities. My question is: why not bring it back? The need is there.
#6 - Feb. 6, 2009, 12:43 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The global LFG channel might as well have been called offensive spam channel. It reached everyone across all zones. Trade channels can get off-topic (and plenty of people do use it to find groups), on all realms I'd gather, but the old LFG channel was often so filled with spam that finding groups was often still a challenge.
#15 - Feb. 6, 2009, 12:52 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

At least make it so I don't have to pick specific instances to view the channel. I'm tired of putting "Just here for the LFG channel" in my character note.

That might not be a bad idea. Though I usually don't have trouble, as I'll place myself in a zone, rather than a dungeon.