Update on Arena Gear Cost and Point Conversion Timeline

#1 - Jan. 5, 2023, 7:25 p.m.
Blizzard Post

This info doesn’t appear to be readily available - only the season end date.
Will Deadly gear be available for half price and no rating requirement, like all of TBC, at the end of Season 1? Or will it convert to Hateful pricing? Or will no change occur?

Are we being given a week to spend arena points or only 12 hours like the blue post suggests before arena points convert to honor?

Will there be adjustments to what can be purchased with current phase badges? I haven’t seen these vendors on PTR.

Usually in the past this info, besides the timeline, is available on PTR.
An update would be great as the season end is only days away.

Thank you

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WoW Classic Game Producer
#10 - Jan. 7, 2023, 12:20 a.m.
Blizzard Post

Apologies for the confusion here. The previous post announcing the Season 5 end date was unfortunately incorrect. The end of Arena Season 5 will function much like Arena seasons 1-4 in Burning Crusade Classic functioned.

On Monday Jan 9th at 10 p.m. PST Arena Season 5 will end (in the US region) and the following will occur:

  • Arena Points costs for Deadly Gladiator gear will be halved, and all rating requirements will be removed from Deadly gear.
    • Note: The only exception to this is the Deadly Gladiator’s Tabard which will retain its 2300 rating requirement, but it will also have its Arena Points cost reduced by half after January 9th. After Season 6 begins* however, your Season 5 rating will be wiped and this tabard will no longer be available. If you would like to own this and qualify for it, you should purchase it as soon as possible after January 9th.
  • Savage and Hateful Gladiator gear will only be available for honor and the honor cost of these items will be reduced as well.
  • Savage and Hateful Gladiator gear that can already be purchased with Emblems of Heroism and Valor will not have their emblem cost reduced and will cost the same amount as they have throughout season 5.
    • The overall availability of Valor emblems should go up significantly in Season 6, with Valor moving to Heroic dungeons. Valor may also be converted to Heroism emblems at the appropriate vendor in Dalaran.

*Please note that we aren’t ready to announce a start date for Season 6 yet, but you will have at least one full week after January 9th to spend your Arena Points. When Arena Season 6 begins at that later date, the normal conversion of Arena Points to Honor will occur.

Sincere apologies for the miscommunication and inconvenience this might have caused. Hopefully this helps clear things up. Thank you!

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WoW Classic Game Producer
#36 - Jan. 10, 2023, 6:57 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to pop back in and provide an update that we just ran an operation that should have refunded half of the cost of any Arena Points spent between December 28th and January 9th. We felt this was important due to our earlier miscommunication, and if you log in now you should see this refund has taken effect.

Additionally, I just commented on a thread here describing an issue with last week’s Arena Points award converting directly to honor. This is an error, and we are looking into a resolution for that issue as well. I still don’t have a lot else to report there just yet but hope to have more info on that soon as well.

Thanks for your patience and understanding while we work through these issues.