#1 - Oct. 5, 2014, 1:37 a.m.
This is a spreadsheet that I created over a month ago to comprehensively document the specific tuning problem with Gift of the Serpent. I've been improving this over time, posted it to the theorycrafting results thread, in the Mistweaver feedback thread, and several times on Twitter. Celestalon even acknowledged it at one point as how an argument for changing GotS's numbers should be made. Since then, we have heard absolutely nothing and nothing has been changed.
To go over the issue again:
In a 100% ideal setting in which none of the mastery healing is wasted, 88 mastery (1%) often translates to anywhere between a 0.5% and 0.75% healing increase. Every single other healer mastery averages out to a 1% healing increase for 88 mastery, MW's does not.
This causes a problem with stat balance because at base stats 88 of any other rating will give (at zero value):
88 Crit = 0.8% increase (plus Mana Tea benefit)
88 Multistrike = 0.8% increase (plus Jade Mists benefit)
88 Versatility = 0.68% increase (plus 0.34% damage reduction)
88 Haste = 0.88% throughput increase on most spells
88 Mastery = 0.75% at best increase with no auxiliary benefit.
You can clearly see the practical application of this in any MW log. In a raid setting, a MW has at least 13% GotS proc rate at any given time, yet I have been unable to find a single log of any MW anywhere in beta that provides over 10% of total healing (which would be a 11.11% throughput increase).
It is, by far, the worst MW stat in the game. It has been this way for over two years. I've brought up the evidence multiple times in multiple places, correcting any and all possible errors with it.
We're past mechanical changes, but please, for once in the history of the spec, at least tune GotS properly so MWs don't have to run in fear from any piece of gear that has mastery on it. One of the stated goals in the patch notes is to create better stat parity due to the lack of reforging. Please, take 5 minutes to make MW not have the single worst mastery in the game from a theoretical standpoint, even if it would still be bad from a practical standpoint. There is no reason why it should not have the same parity as other healers' masteries when that has shown to be a good baseline for mastery's stat value.