Dear CM Brennvin (Take 2)

#0 - Jan. 30, 2009, 2:24 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Note: This is the 2nd time I've had to post this, the 1st time it stayed up for approximately 2 hours before it was deleted (in addition to my new progression threads and my posts in the new progression thread). Obviously this guy doesn't want you to tell Blizzard what you think of his moderation.

To Brennvin: I am not going away, I will continue to post this over and over again until I get you fired from your job, you are a TERRIBLE CM and I will be SURE to let Blizzard and everyone else know how about your abuse of power.

I have MANY WoW accounts because I am a LOYAL customer and I love this game, I will NOT be going away and I will SPREAD knowledge of what has happened here.

Edit: All additional information removed.
#11 - Jan. 30, 2009, 2:45 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Brennvin is a forum moderator. It is his responsibility to ensure the forum guidelines are being upheld. Progression threads are maintained, stickied, and locked at our discretion. If we feel you are not properly maintaining a realm progression thread by fairly and accurately listing all progression types, then we will ask that someone more constructive and capable maintain the thread.

Continually recreating topics like this will result in nothing short of the removal of your posting privileges from all of your accounts. The proper place to lodge any sort of complaint would be so that Brennvin's superiors can review the situation.