FEEDBACK: Challenge Modes

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Game Designer
#1 - Sept. 18, 2014, 2:59 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Starting with this beta build, all Challenge Mode dungeons are accessible. You can access them either by zoning in manually, or by setting difficulty to Challenge and speaking with Nexus-Lord Donjon Rade (in major cities or your garrison).

Tuning is definitely a work in progress. Some things are brutally hard, bordering on impossible. Some of the mob kill counts are off, and we'd like to hear about that - if you fall short of the kill count without using Invis/Shroud to skip any packs, or if you're completing the kill requirement well before the end of the dungeon, let us know. And of course, Gold/Silver/Bronze times are very much placeholder.

Please use this thread for any feedback and reports of issues you encounter.
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Game Designer
#30 - Sept. 19, 2014, 3:22 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Tertiary stats as well as gems will be disabled inside Draenor Challenge Modes. Not all of that is currently functional, but it will be soon.

If there are other questions or a desire to discuss the nature or purpose of Challenge Modes as a system, please start a new thread and we can read it and chime in where possible. I'd love to keep this thread focused on dungeon-specific feedback and firsthand accounts of Challenge runs on beta.
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Game Designer
#73 - Oct. 3, 2014, 3:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
10/02/2014 08:53 PMPosted by Zolvolt
Bloodmaul Slagmines now has a 17:30 gold timer. Went in with comp prot war, holy priest, shadow priest, boomkin and frost mage.

It really felt like it was tuned around abusing chi explosion from brewmasters. Getting 17:30 with a non-optimal comp is ridiculous. In mop its pretty easy to get gold with any comp. not sure if you want these to be impossible for some classes or not.

That time is not final - it was a test to make sure we could cleanly hotfix completion times. What was the best time you were able to manage with that group?

The philosophy is that Gold should be doable with any reasonable comp (i.e. not 4 of the same class or something), though of course some group makeups may fare better than others. It's also important to remember that the intended tuning for Gold is what Gold felt like in Mists in 5.0. Nowadays in 5.4, with power creep from sockets and other sources, it's a far different story, so a direct comparison isn't ideal.