Why were Warlocks HP's Nerfed???

#0 - Jan. 18, 2009, 4:43 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Coming into this expansion walocks were about equal to a semi-geared tank in HP when they had their pvp gear on and were spec'd as "Melee tanks"


But then we came into the LK and honestly, other classes, not just tanks, but other classes have more HP's than us, in out pvp gear?

Our HP advantage is what gave us survivability when burst was "Semi" undercontrol. It's what kept us alive long enough for our crutch aka druids to keep us alive.

Why was this game realeased and warlocks nerfed so severely in the HP department???

Does anyone disagree that this was a HUGE nerf?
#14 - Jan. 18, 2009, 5:50 a.m.
Blizzard Post
With just a couple of exceptions, this is mostly QQ and not constructive. Suggestions and criticism are fine.