When and where will it end?

#0 - Jan. 16, 2009, 3:32 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Once again, Blizzard is wantonly applying nerfs based solely on a portion of the game, Arenas, that a very small, albeit vocal minority of players takes seriously and/or plays with regularity.

Your ongoing attempt to balance this game around Arenas is destroying the much more substantial pve component. You need to step back and take a hard long look at your original mission statement. Create a separate, Arena-centric expansion pack for folks who enjoy attacking each other in a dreadfully static, dynamic-free box – and then give the rest of us our game back, please.

Admit it, Arena is a failure, and balancing the game to accommodate it, quite poorly I might add, is damaging the game as a whole.
#15 - Jan. 16, 2009, 5:08 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Once again, Blizzard is wantonly applying nerfs based solely on a portion of the game, Arenas, that a very small, albeit vocal minority of players takes seriously and/or plays with regularity.

Your ongoing attempt to balance this game around Arenas is destroying the much more substantial pve component. You need to step back and take a hard long look at your original mission statement. Create a separate, Arena-centric expansion pack for folks who enjoy attacking each other in a dreadfully static, dynamic-free box – and then give the rest of us our game back, please.

Admit it, Arena is a failure, and balancing the game to accommodate it, quite poorly I might add, is damaging the game as a whole.

I assure you, changes are never done wantonly.

1. done, shown, used, etc., maliciously or unjustifiably: a wanton attack; wanton cruelty.
2. deliberate and without motive or provocation; uncalled-for; headstrong; willful: Why jeopardize your career in such a wanton way?
3. without regard for what is right, just, humane, etc.; careless; reckless:

There is no malicious intent in the changes applied. There is no attempt at cruelty. There is definitely motive though in a deliberate way. We definitely consider what is right for the health of the game as well.

The game is balanced on many levels with great care. We will continue to work toward attaining the best possible balance at every turn.

If you have constructive feedback on specific issues, you are always welcome to share them, but this post is not constructive.