Why are we already out of (80) PvE content?

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#0 - Jan. 8, 2009, 6:23 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Mere months after the release of the expansion, and we are already out of end game PvE content. (as in....raids.....)

Is this how things work now?

Guild has cleared Naxx 10, Malygos (10), Sarth (10), and Arch in two nights.

I have cleared the 25 man version of everything with a PuG (aside from Malygos, couldn't get a PuG together) in the last 2 nights as well.

Is this it? Is this really all the end game PvE content?

I wasn't around for BC, but back in Pre-BC, Blizz was always one step ahead of the game. They had content present that would last for almost a year, simply because it would take most people months on end just to get to that content.

But it was there for those who had conquered current material and wanted to progress.

So, unless there is some secret raid instance most of us don't know about, I must say, I am truly disappointed by A) The ease of end game material, and B) The utter lack of material present.
#106 - Jan. 8, 2009, 9:33 p.m.
Blizzard Post
The best is yet to come.
#139 - Jan. 8, 2009, 10 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

The first quote he mentioned was actually said, by the floaty-skull guy(I'm good with names) iirc.

It was in responce to a thread asking if we'd ever see another instance like sunwell. Fun, well balanced(Except for Muru), but still difficult.

Me? Now I'd really like to see a link.