GC: How are we STILL not even noticed?

#0 - Jan. 8, 2009, 12:09 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hello there I am a priest.

As a Disc Priest I couldn't help but notice something, Druids can tank really well now, but Druids are not affected by Divine Aegis, OR Power Word: Shield. As a Holy Priest GS doesn't save the druid from dying.

I also noticed this is not being fixed on 3.0.8

Please tell me how the hell has a glitch this horrendously big been through BETA testing, 3 patches,and is STILL not getting fixed.

I realize that not every bug can be fixed in patches, but 2 of our core healing abilities? Why does levitate come before this?

As a side note may I mention that bringing 2 or more Disc Priests is an utter waste of DA and PW:S, and Grace doesn't even stack with Blessing of Sanctuary? If a Protection Pally is tanking, There goes a huge amount of mitigation.

Priests are now the only class in the game without a "Oh *%@*-" move to let us get out of snares or let us put some much needed distance between us and melee.

Hymns? Do I even need to elaborate their huge lackluster traits? Thanks for 8% mana over 8 seconds compared to Evocs 60%. Thanks for having the raid !%@@% at us every time we pop Divine Hymn because we just gave all the mobs we were fighting Pain suppress for 20 seconds.

While a good healer knows the healing meters are bogus, raids sometimes don't. Absorbed damage isn't shown at all. I really hate the feeling of being that low and the raid looking at me and questioning why to even bring me next time if I can't put out close to that of other classes/specs. (Talking being a Disc Priest)

I really do appreciate you guys fixing rapture, but to be honest even with it bugged I never had problems with mana regen.

Please Blizz if your not going to help us in PvP or PvE at least FIX us
#15 - Jan. 8, 2009, 8:13 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We did fix, to the best of our knowledge, the bug with shielding shapeshifted targets. It may not have been made in time to show up on the PTR.