Several servers closed to transfer today!!

#0 - Jan. 6, 2009, 10:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
...Which is complete and total BS for servers that have a serious faction imbalance like Dalaran. It is infinitely frustrating to be trying to recruit members for raiding cross-realm when transfers to your realm have been closed due to 50million NElf hunters.

Our guild doesn't have the option of recruiting on-server because our Horde raiding population is just that small -- it is completely contained in TWO raiding guilds, which will not be merging or sharing members any time soon.

Closing down transfers because there's too many Alliance players on Dalaran is strangling Horde's ability to progress.

REOPEN us to transfers, or just allow Horde to transfer. Injustice!
#8 - Jan. 6, 2009, 10:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
No this is not a regular occurrence, and it is a MAJOR inconvenience. Servers are not often closed to transfers, especially paid ones. I am inquiring about how often/if/when servers are reopened to transfers.

The primary goal right now is to reduce the most severe queues on our realms. At its peak concurrency Dalaran saw over a 400 person queue last night. This isn't the highest queue across all US realms by any means. With that said, allowing transfers to the realm would have a greater negative impact on all players of Dalaran, than allowing Horde to transfer to Dalaran would have a positive impact.

At the largest gap last night between the Horde and Alliance populations of Dalaran, the Horde made up for roughly 40% of the total realm population to the Alliance's 60%. While faction balance is a concern for all realms, overall population and realm queues have the better part of our attention at the moment, particularly as is the case for Dalaran.

Transfers may be reopened to Dalaran if and when the realm is no longer experiencing exceptional wait times at peak hours every day.