How would YOU do rated BATTLEGROUNDS???

#0 - Jan. 8, 2009, 1:30 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I was just thinking about how GC said that theres no real way to find the "skill of a player in BGs, and thats where arena comes in.

I wonder if it is even possible to find player skill in a BG, and if so,,how would you go about doin it. I dont have any suggestions because i cant think of one way this could be done, But i do love the idea of rated Bgs and i would like to see ANY form of idea.
#50 - Jan. 8, 2009, 7:45 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I'm not sure rated BGs is the only answer. It definitely is an answer and something we talk about a lot. We start to think about a lot of logistical problems of managing a 15+ person BG team, but that is certainly one approach too.

Arenas do not reward time spent nearly as well as BGs do, and I think that is actually one of the strengths of Arenas. However, to reward skill in BGs we would not only have to come up with a brilliant way to measure skill (which is frankly something we would very much like to do), but we would also need a way to keep players from just BGing over and over to grind points. Yet, one of the strengths of the BG compared to Areans is that you can spend as much time in them as you want. If you are just the kind of player who plays for large stretches of time at one sitting, BGs can be an attractive way to spend that time.

I'm not specifcally announcing nor shooting down anything, but I am trying to encourage the discussion.