Thats IT for warlocks? Are you SERIOUS?

#0 - Jan. 7, 2009, 9:44 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Okay so the 3.0.8 patchnotes have been updated just now on the wow-europe forums by a blue, and look at these wopping changes added to locks that wasn't already in 3.0.8.

Demon Armor and Demon Skin: Armor increased by approximately 120%.
Demonic Circle: The teleport now clears all snare effects.

So thats gunna make us survive in arena better? Basically now with demon armor we'lll hardly do dmg, but at least have the armor equiv of leather wearers.

And ya, breaking snares? Still not stuns, but its SOMETHING?

Overall these are EXTREMELY underwhelming changes IMHO and locks need and deserve at this point quite a bit more!!

They have finally fixed the plethora of lock bugs that have plagued us, other than the meta fix they won't help us much if at all in PVP arena


* Corruption will now gain the correct damage modifiers for the creature type of the target.
* Create Healthstone: Attempting to create a healthstone when you already have one no longer consumes mana or triggers the cooldown of this ability.
* Demonic Circle: Teleport: the button for this ability will now darken when the Warlock is out of range of the Demonic Circle and will light up when the Warlock is in range.
* Demon Power Scaling: Spell power gained from spirit via the Fel Armor ability will now properly affect the scaling of spell power and attack power on summoned demons.
* Drain Mana: This spell will no longer cancel when the target?s mana poll is low or the caster?s mana poll is full. It also now generates a very small amount of threat instead of no threat.
* Everlasting Affliction: Will now calculate correct damage values for Corruption when it is refreshed in all cases.
* Haunt: Will now gain correct damage modifiers for the creature type of the target. In addition, this ability is now limited to a single target as intended. This also now works properly when refreshed on its current target.
* Mana Feed: This talent will no longer sometimes fire for warlocks who do not have the talent.
* Master Conjuror: Tooltip revised to indicate it does not increase the damage bonuses of Firestones or Spellstones.
* Metamorphosis: The bonus armor effect from this ability will now calculate properly and interact correctly with armor buffs and debuffs.
* Ritual of Doom: A Doomguard summoned with this spell will now scale properly from its master?s stats.
* Shadow Embrace: This ability will now create a separate debuff stack for each Warlock with the talent, and each warlock will benefit properly from his or her own debuff.
* Shadow of Death: This ability will no longer cause tracking abilities to become inactive when the death knight becomes a ghoul.
* Soul Siphon: Will now gain the correct damage modifiers for the creature type of the target.
* Twisted Faith: This talent will no longer sometimes cause Shadow Word: Pain to fail due to a more powerful spell being in effect.
* Unstable Afflcition: Will now gain the correct damage modifiers for the creature type of the target.

notes here
#70 - Jan. 7, 2009, 4:17 p.m.
Blizzard Post
There is more that didn't show up yet on the PTR.

But I am almost 100% certain that no matter what that list contains, it will be followed by a "That's IT?" post. :)
#301 - Jan. 8, 2009, 7:40 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
That's very unfair GC. When pre Wrath/post patch we were complaining about our dps, you gave us the across the board buffs to all 3 trees, and there were many "good news", "thank you" posts.

Believe it or not we don't want God mode, but no one likes humiliation, and in a game of contest I think that's how we feel right now.

Yes, I agree there were a lot of "thank you" posts. There were a lot of "That's IT?" posts too. We are going through a very similar thing with Elemental shamans, where we came up with some buffs that we think will get them where they need to be in PvE, bu that didn't really shut down the amount of complaining.

Please don't perceive my comments to mean "Warlocks are a bunch of whiners." What I meant was that some players, often those who don't understand the game mechanics well, are never going to be happy with the kind of moderate buffs we typically implement. You seem to get it and I thank you for that.

Understand that many players are begging for buffs for their class and trying to shout down other players so that we look at their class FIRST.

Understand that players make dire predictions about everything. Yes, lots of warlocks posted compelling data. Lots of DKs have posted compelling data too, but that doesn't mean they aren't overpowered in PvP (and sometimes in PvE). We make some effort to sort out the good from the suspect data, and I don't mean to imply that large chunks of the community are trying to be malicious. But things are rarely as cut and dried as the posts in all caps like to claim.