GC is the conversation over reg. Hunter GCD?

#0 - Jan. 6, 2009, 10:13 p.m.
Blizzard Post
You and I went back and forth at beta and blizzcon about hunter GCD's. Our GCD was clunky long before AotM became viable (see: glyphed). Prior to the monkey glyph AotM wasn't even on most arena hunter's bars. Our GCD was clunky and non-fluid simply when ALL we were doing in beta arenas was switching back and forth between AotH and AotV. Do you remember how often, or do you play enough to realize how often this switch is made?

Think about what a smart hunter would do if he were in AotV getting mana back and a partner on his 3v3 just got a string of crits on an isolated target. He'd decide to QUICKLY switch back to AotH and attempt to help burst, even though he may still be sitting at 10% mana. The operative word here is QUICKLY. Most likely he'd only have a few precious GCD's worth of time before something major happened (target LoS'es, target gets heal). There is NO "QUICKLY" with our aspects being back on GCD!!!!!

Just because some raid hunter can go 1+ minutes without aspect dancing while mindlessly steady spamming some boss, DOESN'T MEAN ARENAS PLAY OUT LIKE THAT.

Putting aspects back on the GCD is a mistake. 2 steps in the wrong direction, GC. That direction is backwards.
#3 - Jan. 7, 2009, 1:31 a.m.
Blizzard Post
No, it's not over. We took them back off the GCD.