To Kaivax and the powers that be,
Please consider actually letting us know when the PTR will be available for raid testing (Start and End times) so teams we can plan around these events, especially during a schedule-heavy season. Our raiders have holiday travel, final exams, EOY projects and deadlines for work on top of every guild having its own schedule for raiding. Higher-end guilds will also be planning specific weeks for speed clears and parses that this would help with as well.
In the past, there have been flimsy excuses about the ptr being for bugs and not guild practice however ignoring the reality of what your player base does with the PTR and willfully obfuscating the start and end times only makes things extremely difficult for your most dedicated demographic of players.
Soon* isn’t good enough with so many confounding variables and I’m hoping beyond hope this pretty severe problem for guild masters and raid leaders is alleviated with better communication this time around