#117 - Sept. 2, 2014, 10:22 p.m.
Want to try to respond primarily to Geodew's summary of other feedback. These are just randomly scattered responses, as I don't have time to do a line-by-line response, but figure this is better than nothing.
General response: You make some very fine points in here, but there's also a lot of bias. These responses below are primarily pointing out the places where we disagree, but there are many places in here that we agree with as well. Apologies if this comes off overly negative/dismissive; not my intention.
Remember that dissatisfied players are way way more likely to post about it. Mistweavers definitely did get some massive changes. In fact you just made a gigantic post about all of these changes.
1) Revival isn't underpowered (at least not by the giant amount you're talking about). Healing Tide Totem, which you're comparing to, is very overpowered. Tranq and DH are channeled and delayed. HTT is instant and delayed. Revival is instant and immediate, so absolutely should do the least net healing. The problem is that HTT was doing healing comparable to Tranq/DH, which is being fixed.
Fistweaving tuning is fairly far off right now, so its utility is hard for you to judge.
2) Renewing Mist is *partially* uncontrollable. The vast majority of it is effective. All of the math you did on chances for Uplift to hit injured targets is great, except that it assumes the ReMs and the damaged targets are randomly distributed.
ReM will be *extremely* worth it to cast on its own merits. I'm fairly certain that it is already.
Managing that partially uncontrollable healing to still produce solid results is a key tenant of Mistweaver healing style.
3) That's how Haste works for healers; not as much throughput (due to mana) as crit/multistrike, but it's reliable and getting that heal to your target faster is of intangible but high value.
4) This is a great example of psychological impacts of tuning in game design. Because Mastery has been weak in the past, it has to be overpowered before some people will like it. We're not planning to do that. No, it is not tuned around expecting your raiders to go out of their way to take advantage of it; that's just a strawman. Everything we're seeing from actual data indicates that it is effective. Only a small fraction of it ever gets truly wasted now, and that's offset by the fact that does less overhealing than average.
5) No, Crane Stance is not 'intended to be useless' in Mythic. That's silly. The tuning is off on it, and we'll fix it.
6) Chi Brew usable while casting/channeling seems reasonable.
7) What you're saying is accurate, but we don't expect that it will cause a problem for now.
8) Xuen is just undertuned, it sounds like.
9) That sounds like just how raiding leans towards AoE healing on average. Zen Sphere in particular we feel is just undertuned, and plan to increase it significantly.
10) We're not seeing that from our testing.
11) Yeah, we do see this, and it does violate a rule we generally have with talent design. Since it's an extremely fun combo, and the row it forces a choice in isn't a throughput row, and it's been this way forever, we're going to let it slide for now.
12) It isn't really PBAoE; you can place it wherever you want. It's a tight-AoE healing CD, which we do see as useful to a Mistweaver in some cases.
13) Yes, CE mostly replaces Uplift and EM (not completely, but mostly, which actually adds depth/complexity). That's intended, and the choice you're making.
Conclusion) Mistweaving is a very different healing style from other healers. It isn't the best fit for everyone, and that's fine (even good). I think the biggest difference is the indirectness. That may not suit you, and may suit others.