#1 - Aug. 19, 2014, 12:37 a.m.
So, where are we at on class design? We’re to the point where we're pretty confident in each spec’s ability set, and so we're switching over to focusing on bugfixes, stability, and polish. Mechanical changes from now on will primarily be to solve tuning problems, or where there is a dire need of change for gameplay reasons. We've made a lot of changes for Warlords, and many are controversial. We'll be tweaking things in the future based on feedback and gameplay experiences.
A new beta build just went up, which includes our first round of balance tuning on tanks and damage dealers. It does NOT include tuning for healers – the first round of that should be coming in the next build. And, of course, there will be many more iterations on tuning to come. Our goal with this first round is getting the vast majority of specs to be “close” to right, as far as overall performance. Closer tuning of specific talent rows, and of secondary stats, will come the next few passes.
With this build (and the next one for healers), we feel that things are solid enough for theorycrafters to start really tearing into. I’m going to make a separate thread for the express purpose of posting theorycrafting results. (EDIT: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/13841994636)
Thanks all, for all the great feedback, and please keep it coming (with a focus on tuning and balance, now)!
EDIT: Moved to the Warlords Beta Classes forum, where it makes more sense. Thanks for the tip!