What is still fun about WoW?

#0 - Dec. 19, 2008, 10:54 p.m.
Blizzard Post
PvP is terrible.

PvE is terrible.

What is fun still about this game?


I don't enjoy the current state PvP.

I don't really enjoy the current state of PvE.

What do you guys enjoy?
#3 - Dec. 19, 2008, 10:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post
What's fun is pretty subjective, no? I've had a good deal of fun experiencing elements of PvE and PvP in Wrath of the Lich King. I'm not done either.

When it comes to gaming, I truly hope you find that to which you've made a commitment and investment to be fun. It might otherwise be time to make some different considerations.
#7 - Dec. 19, 2008, 11:02 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I find melting snowmen to be quite enjoyable.

What? I'm talking about the Greench quest, honest!

Listen you good, peppermint. Don't hate.
#23 - Dec. 19, 2008, 11:07 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

I'd say with the current state of the game and from what we have grown accustomed to, when subscription numbers actually decrease, you will listen to your customers geniune concerns.

Although the OP was'nt exactly eloquent in his opinion, there is truth to the statement.

If the concern is that "PvP and PvE are terrible," we can't quantify that into a switch that toggles more fun according to the opinion of some.
#35 - Dec. 19, 2008, 11:20 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Well, I use to find this game tremendously fun, but it seems that it has lost elements that once made it what it was. Pre-BC was always fun, perhaps just because I was a real noob and everything seemed so huge and mysterious.

I can definitely see this. I think player perspective and experience has grown and evolved further from where it was than the game has from the first iteration to the second expansion.

Q u o t e:
BC was hugely fun... IMO the raiding PvE content was very good and PvP was for the most part well done. I enjoyed the Isle world PvP, I loved Sunwell to the point that I would have loved spending 96 hours straight wiping on M'uru. There is nothing like that currently in the game.

I do understand your point here, but keep in mind sunwell was the last raid dungeon added to The Burning Crusade content. Judging the current raid content against all of the level 70 raid content that was available over the course of more than a year isn't really fair. Much more is to come. I can all but guarantee you'll find some pretty tough challenges along the way too.

Q u o t e:
I can't possibly enjoy arena's the way that they are.

It's certainly not a system for everyone. I personally don't favor the arenas either, so I make the choice not to spend much time with them. I think the issue most people have is that the arenas provide the only source for the best PvP gear in the game. We are working on an improved system by which we can measure skill and contribution in battlegrounds so that more competitive rewards can be obtained via means other than the arena.

Q u o t e:
The entirety of the games PvE content can be cleared in about 5 hours

I'm not sure what measurement you're going by here. I hit 80 about 10 days after the expansion launched. My guild is very small and we have not fully cleared 10-man Nax yet. If you can truly assert that all of the current PvE content (I'm assuming aside from the questing/leveling experience) can be cleared in five hours, I'd say you're largely ahead of the curve to the extent of frightening me.

Q u o t e:
I am just asking what it is people still find enjoyable about this game?

Tonight I'm heading into the abomination wing in 10-man Nax for the first time ever. The goal is to kill Kel'Thuzad tonight. I've had a lot of fun running heroics, seeing a good chunk of Nax, and working on improving my single-target versus AOE DPS.

I've had a lot of fun doing Lake Wintergrasp and got to experience the heroic vault last night. It wasn't expected and just came together. I feel like that's something I could get used to doing each week.
#61 - Dec. 19, 2008, 11:44 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

He must be melee.

I'm a warlock.

Q u o t e:
Soooo.....cuz by "It's certainly not a system for everyone" u mean u don't care about casters anymore right?

I might have said that if it's what I wanted to convey. There's no need to insert alternative meanings into everything I say simply because you're noticeably aggravated.

Q u o t e:
Umm your joking right?

go raid and get the top pvp gear, thats cool and the issue MOST people are having is that ghe game is %%%!ing unbalanced as %%%!.

At some point you're just going to have to calm down before trying to make points.
#88 - Dec. 20, 2008, 12:22 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
At least under that system everyone is eventually happy. I mean what's next, nerf naxx some more so it's casual enough for a blue who still can't beat naxx 10 (how is that even possible?).

I was wondering if this would come up. I never said Naxxramas is too hard. Difficulty is less a factor in the content I've cleared than time. I haven't attempted an encounter in Naxxramas yet that we haven't cleared. I don't get an extraordinary amount of play time to coordinate with 9 or 24 other people and clear the whole dungeon in a week. I have work, a lovely girlfriend, play live music almost every week, and have to take care of a cat (I have cleared the entire litterbox nightly and wish the reset timer was longer). This isn't to say hardcore players don't have the same level of real-life responsibilities and happenings, but only that my amount of play time is my choice and shouldn't diminish my gaming perspective.

This is the first week where I'll have the chance to return to Naxx after the first night of progress was made. I've done the spider, plague, and military wings and haven't set foot in the abomination wing yet.

After four years my girlfriend just started playing World of Warcraft about two months ago. That's given me a great perspective and helped me to step back from such concentration on the most minute intricacies of the end game. I've been able to recall more what first drew me into the game. I began leveling two other characters with her for a while since it's taking time for her to grow accustomed to the game. Once Wrath came out I shelved those characters in their 30's for a bit to get to 80 with my main. Now she's in her mid-50's and I'll be leveling with her through Outland as a death knight.

Q u o t e:

Some people find bouncing a rubber ball pretty amazing as well.

And you're not in a place to diminish their perception of what is fun.
#103 - Dec. 20, 2008, 12:36 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Just gotta love when the gm pipes in to tell you if you dont like it , its your own fault and quit, maybe put some creativiity back in?

Sometimes I do wonder why I'm so picky about word choice when the English language seems to take an alternative form when presented in blue text.
#125 - Dec. 20, 2008, 12:53 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Really? What's your job? :P

I think the very fact that I'm responding partially addresses this question. :p

Q u o t e:
SS or it didn't happen.

Not a chance, though she was caught on camera at BlizzCon a couple of times. It was funny because she wasn't a player yet but was coming to support me. She was sick and Tylenol PMs definitely showed. ;)

Q u o t e:
I'm a musician myself, what do you play? Instrument/Style

I'm a percussionist. I mostly play congas. I try to play around with different groups, but my main focus is a band that blends metal with reggae and other world influences. Don't ask.

Q u o t e:
If you have a garage, just put the litterbox there. Doubles the cooldown.

I live in California, so my world sits in an apartment and we haven't a garage with it (nor our own laundry room anymore for that matter).

Sorry, it's Friday. I don't mean to derail things. Please carry on about your run-ins.
#157 - Dec. 20, 2008, 3:10 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

You're kidding me right? Naxx takes 3 hours, Archavon takes 10 minutes, Sartharion takes 20 minutes, Malygos takes 20 minutes. 5 hours was an overstatement. If youre that shocked by someone saying all the content in the game can be cleared in 5 hours, you should probably quit your job.

"All PvE content" was not defined. I was working under the assumption we were at least counting heroics as well. Your recommendation has been considered and rejected.