#143 - Aug. 19, 2014, 2:43 a.m.
Well, lets dive right in. Arms Warriors have gotten some pretty huge changes in Warlords, and that's going to upset some people who are used to the current version, or imagined something else. That's totally understandable. There are a many different points of view involved here, so let me share ours. Then, if you'd like to have some constructive discussions, we can go from there.
Arms was a spec that did not fulfill its fantasy very well. The defining characteristic that we focused on was "big, heavy hits". That is in stark contrast to the fast and furious hits of Fury. This is evidenced by the prominence of Mortal Strike, Colossus Smash, their new Mastery, and non-spammy rotation.
One of the biggest complaints we see here is about the complexity of the baseline rotation. However, from our point of view, the *baseline* rotation hardly matters; nobody actually plays with the baseline. It acts as a platform to build upon, primarily through talents. And the Warrior talent tree provides a *ton* of potential changes to the rotation, to support a wide variety of playstyles. What matters is the whole package, with talents.
Like procs? Take Sudden Death. Want to fill every GCD? There are like 5 different talents you can take to fill GCDs; I don't think any other class has that many. Etc.
Remember, not everyone plays the same way that you do. Most especially, remember that anyone posting here is on the extreme end of game knowledge and hardcoreness.
The Warrior community has been clearly frustrated lately, and I'd like to discuss this further with you all, but please make that easy for me to do, by keeping the hyperbole and anger and useless sarcasm and generally destructive behavior out of this. Thanks.