OT: Smoke me a kipper

#0 - Dec. 15, 2008, 7:23 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Well since I broke it. :D
#2 - Dec. 15, 2008, 7:26 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Aw, the whole phrase doesn't fit. Aw well. :(

Q u o t e:

So that was your game! :P

A complete accident. Centaur's honour.

Edit: Well I'm out for the night. G'night all! <3
#7 - Dec. 15, 2008, 7:30 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Active as in actively played or active as in still exists? Cause the guildlist said he hadn't been on in over a year.

Active as in, a person needs to be logged in if they are to type /gquit. :)
#235 - Dec. 15, 2008, 11:55 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Its raining in SoCal not snowing?

Sprinkling on and off at the moment. :D
#260 - Dec. 16, 2008, 12:16 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Did someone see my red line?

No, I had missed it, Merdrah.

Those are important qualities to have, especially the last (communication).

I'm not certain what the response times are though, likely within 2 weeks.
#310 - Dec. 16, 2008, 1:39 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
<grumpy face>

i needs a hug.....


*gives Mourninglory a [Centaur Hug of Grumpy Blues Curing Goodness]*
#331 - Dec. 16, 2008, 1:56 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Do those types of hugs come with or without the flies?

It depends on the level of grumpiness. Sometimes all of my flies need to join in to be effective. :D
Q u o t e:

And Game Thug Vrakthris trumps us all D:


/attempts to tackle the towering centaur


*picks Edric up and dusts him off* <3

*waves to Nixar!*

Where are you flying to? I must have missed it if you posted it.

#359 - Dec. 16, 2008, 2:38 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I just enjoyed the Red Dwarf reference. Mad props.

#441 - Dec. 16, 2008, 10:01 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Just a reminder folks.

It is Tuesday!

Maintenance all around, and web apps may be periodically unavailable - including this forum.