Any plans on fixing DK tank mitigation?

#0 - Nov. 29, 2008, 8:47 p.m.
Blizzard Post
To quote someone from another thread:

"DK is the easiest to kill tank when he has a bad run of the RNG and/or his clickies are on cooldown, none will ever use one as a MT"

Tank based on avoidance is a bad design

Does blizz awknowledge this as a problem? Or do they think its just their flavour? The sooner i know blizzard's stance on this, the sooner i can start leveling a paladin, cuz i want a tank.
#8 - Nov. 29, 2008, 9:15 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I think DKs may end up stacking a lot of dodge and parry just because they can't benefit from block percent or block value. They aren't designed to be avoidance tanks though -- they do have a lot of armor and some very strong active abilities for mitigation.

DKs may have a harder time hitting 540 defense than warriors or paladins just because they don't have the shield slot, which often has defense on it.