Tying 278 conduits upgrades to CE and glad is nonsense

#1 - Jan. 12, 2022, 9:16 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Tell me, why in the world I would need upgrade my conduits to max AFTER completing
one of the 3 “ultimate end game goals”?

This upgrade should come with ksm aotc or 1800.

An item that servers purpose to every player.

making this come from +20’s , CE or glad just makes it for that top 3% of the player base that actually is able to complete the content.

like why in the world a person that has completed the end game content would care about it? from those 3% half prob doesn’t even give a f about conduits, and the rest 99% of the player base that maybe would care will never see the light of it lmao

also the funniest thing is this thing is not even acc wide lol

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#110 - Feb. 16, 2022, 6:11 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Correct. This is because we wanted to ease the reputation requirement, and it no longer made sense for it to be offered by the Enlightened vendor.