MPPM: Perky Pug

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#1 - Jan. 31, 2014, 11 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Sigh . . . the time has come; Major Payne has finally decided to really put you tamers to the test, and see if you have all the necessary skills and training to really become a champion.

Okay, I know, that sounds more grandiose than it really is. Basically, you have to come challenge me to a 1 on 1 duel, then you need to p.u.g. enough dungeons to earn one of my own kind. Pretty straight forward, though I should warn you, I am probably a tad over-powered.

No matter! Have you gotten a Perky Pug yet? I quite enjoyed leveling mine up to 25, but we'd love to hear how your experience has been with this amazingly handsome companion in Pet Battles!
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#6 - Jan. 31, 2014, 11:15 p.m.
Blizzard Post
01/31/2014 03:08 PMPosted by Caladwén
I think mine is defective, it just drags its butt on the ground :(

Working as intended!