King Magni Bronzebeard

#0 - Oct. 15, 2008, 6:02 p.m.
Blizzard Post
So with the achievement available to get a bear mount we tried to wreck his face in a pug but found out he summons roughly 40 level 75 guards to help him fight as well as about 20 Alliance baddies. How do I 1 shot web against this objective? Is it even possible at 70 with a 40 man raid?

Just wondering if a DEV could provide some information as to what level this Boss or any of the other capitol bosses should be attempted by either faction as well as if there is anything planned to reduce the number of guards that they summon.

People were saying that on the PTR is was doable at 70 in a 40 man but after a full 60 seconds of all out focused fire on him we didn't take him below 98% health. Seems that this is a level 80 achievement?

#14 - Oct. 15, 2008, 6:50 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
So with the achievement available to get a bear mount we tried to wreck his face in a pug but found out he summons roughly 40 level 75 guards to help him fight as well as about 20 Alliance baddies. How do I 1 shot web against this objective? Is it even possible at 70 with a 40 man raid?

Just wondering if a DEV could provide some information as to what level this Boss or any of the other capitol bosses should be attempted by either faction as well as if there is anything planned to reduce the number of guards that they summon.

People were saying that on the PTR is was doable at 70 in a 40 man but after a full 60 seconds of all out focused fire on him we didn't take him below 98% health. Seems that this is a level 80 achievement?

It's possible to kill him. *looks shifty* Not that I'd know how of course. I'd never harm a hair on his magnanimous and very stout head.

I'm sure there are many others though that would share their best strategies with you on how you can pull it off. It's possible though not easy to do.