Alchemy change.

#0 - Oct. 16, 2008, 4:59 a.m.
Blizzard Post
As a Loyal Customer of EVERYTHING with the Blizzard Logo sense the time of Warcraft Orcs:Humans I DEMAND a BLUE POST!

BLIZZARD! What ARE YOU THINKING! Someone explain to me WHY I have to wait Until the END OF COMBAT for my Potion cooldown!!! First you NERF our Elixers, OK even if I didnt like it I accepted it, figured you knew what you were doing.

BUT THIS! This is a SLAP in the face and an affront to ANY and EVERY alchemist out there! And then! To add Insult to Injury I have to choose between Maximizing my DPS threw Destuction potions...Oh wait. A* Destruction potion.... for a whole 15 seconds... or a Mana/Health/Rejuv potion.

Oh and lets not forget the 3k+ gold I dished out, and the time grinding the Rep for, that Damn Alch trinket from Shattered Sun Offensive! ITS ALMOST WORTHLESS NOW! There are PLENTY of better trinkets thanks to the Potion nerf! The health/mana potion +% made that trinket worth while. So now Not Only have you SLAPPED me in the Face! you have Stolen my hard earned GOLD and Worst of all WASTED MY TIME!


/end rant

P.S> I have posted this elsewhere as well, so no need to move it, just answer.
#12 - Oct. 16, 2008, 5:21 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

P.S> I have posted this elsewhere as well, so no need to move it, just answer.

Yes, it seems you have, Whiterocker, and in all caps; you may want to uncap the thread for the only attention you'll likely receive is from the Moderation Team when they enforce the Code of Conduct regarding your post.

My answer is this: No one has slapped you in the face and honestly that phrase is used far too often and tends to make the rest of your post immaterial because not many continue to read it seriously from that point on. They are looking at the catch phrases you are using and the fact that you are capitalizing specific words, not to mention the abuse of the caplock button.

But that is about your post and not about what else you have said so let me focus there for a moment. Whiterocker, we appreciate your product loyalty, truly, but being with us for an hour or for 10 years does not entitle you to demand a response regarding a developmental change. Our Developers of course accept input on the product which you play but the final decision is theirs for they don't look simply at one aspect of the game but the entire game.

Also, I am a Game Master, the other "Blues" in this forum are Game Masters as well. We have absolutely no interaction with Development and therefore are unable to comment on why a change went in.

If you truly want your feelings known about a change I beg of you, rewrite your post, don't use the caps button to emphasis certain words, don't use common reactionary catch phrases and state your points clearly and concisely.

Someone from Community or Dev may see your thread and decide to post. Even if they don't, know that our Suggestion Forums was set up to receive player feedback and suggestions, if you post as I've suggested there it can be reviewed by the people who can make such adjustments to the game.
#23 - Oct. 16, 2008, 9:09 a.m.
Blizzard Post

Game Masters have NOTHING to do with development friend.

We don't make those decisions, nor do we have input into the process.

The place for this type of debate/discussion/suggestions is the Suggestion Forum. Our developers and Policymakers DO read that on and literally hundreds of changes to both gameplay and policy have germinated there over the years.

Best of luck friend.