How does a Disc Priest kill anything?

#0 - Oct. 8, 2008, 5:40 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I'm just wondering. Disc Priests have no escape mechanisms, just a fear on a 30 second cooldown.

How do they kill anything? They have one dot (Shadow Word: Pain), well a second one coming in the expansion, and oh there's Reflective Shield. They don't have the mitigation of a Shadow Priest. Smite, Holy Fire, Mind Blast all have casting times. Wanding won't kill anything.

How do they kill rogues? I don't see how they can create range between themselves and pretty much any class that can snare.

How do they kill anyone that runs at low heatlh? One dot probably isn't enough.

Just some random thoughts.
#9 - Oct. 8, 2008, 5:55 p.m.
Blizzard Post
A Disc Priest has to use more than a dot obviously if they want to kill anyone. It's a definite combination of things and takes timing and careful planning to out survive your opponent long enough to do the damage you need to do to take them down.

I could go down the arsenal for you, but it's really easy to see what they have at hand by looking at the talent tree and spells that all priests get as well as the extras that come along with that particular tree.

It also takes a certain amount of skill (like anything) to play well.

#25 - Oct. 8, 2008, 6:17 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Yay, a blue candle to my post! <3 <3 <3

I'll stop trolling now that I know you're watching :(

Good orc.
#30 - Oct. 8, 2008, 6:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

um neth, it really doesn't take much skill to play this rogue or my druid or my warrior or my pally. it takes a tiny bit to play my mage and priest. just being honest.

And yet, people complain about bad groups. If there was no such thing as skill required, all groups, even pugs, would go well every time.
#55 - Oct. 8, 2008, 9:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Nah...actually one constant word I think is really misused in this game, and apparently even by the people who CREATE the game itself is skill....or perhaps I just have my own overly strict definition of it.

WoW is NOT a skill based game....I'd argue that point when the founder of Blizzard , the entire development staff and all.

Now I realize some might consider how you spec, knowing how your abilities work and have fast reflexes in the way of pressing hot keys (and knowing when to press them) as "skill". I do not....I call that more as knowledge about your class and its ability and if be fast on a hot key is skill then I guess a lot of very common sense and mundane things we do in life should be skill too.....I have the skill to quickly click the right button on my cable box remote when I want to record to my DVR instantly, I have the skill the quickly punch in the security code to my alarm system without missing a beat.

Sorry.....its not "SKILL"....this game is all numbers based off of gear and stats...and every action is a scripted one......meaning.....I can't raise my sword hand and specifical strike in certain angle of attack that impacts, hit chance or damage (let alone parry or dodge). No its you do the attack and based on your stats and the targets you either do "x damage" or don't hit or whatever.

Like wise with firing a bow or gun in this game I don't have to aim, there's no precision required its just select the target and click the hotkey (or if you are a clicky person just click the icon with your mouse).

Even in arena on the pro level, I guess skill is a word to be used because folks wouldn't know what else to call it -- but yet, even arena players who own everyone and earn big bucks....sorry I can't say they have massive skill.

They may be fast on the keyboard, be very smart in how they set up key binds and think about their strategies, but that's not skill, that's knowledge.

When the time comes that I actively control when and how I land my attacks, when I can really aim and where my shots/spells "hit" based off that aiming determines the damage dealt...then I'm on board with calling WoW a game of skill, until is 90% just gear/gemming/enchants and 10% common sense.

skill1 /skɪl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[skil] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well: Carpentry was one of his many skills.
2. competent excellence in performance; expertness; dexterity: The dancers performed with skill.

You're talking about a "skill based game" versus players having skill to execute the abilities of their character well. While we could split this hair into infinity, it wouldn't actually end in any sort of consensus and I'm not going to get into a debate on what is and isn't a "skill based game" because then we get into higher end mechanics and additional (and sometimes unnecessary) difficulty levels. We could go on for days about gaming philosophy if you like, however, what we're talking about is within the context of World of Warcraft which has been designed to make it easy for people to learn but difficult to master.

Players need to have skill in using the characters in the game to progress. Skilled players must be very good at their characters to progress well and contribute well to their own individual success and that of their groups. Anyone can gain skill, but where some stop, others continue to advance. This could be due to many factors from level of commitment, playstyle, knowledge/understanding level, and more.