Tanks still getting the shaft in WOTLK?

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#0 - Oct. 8, 2008, 5:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post
The spellpower change is an interesting idea so that healers and DPS will be sharing gear. This is great for Priests, Shaman and Druids, since they can have the option to heal or DPS with one set of gear and a simple respec (or no respec if 2 talent specs are implemented).

What about the tanks though? Since a tank needs to pay attention to stam, defence, dodge, parry, block, a tank will still need to collect two sets of gear to perform in a DPS/solo/farming role. how come they weren’t considered for the “gear amalgamation’?

Note that Holy Pallies are out of luck as well, since spellpower plate will only benefit healing.

So while improvements are being made, only half of it is done. We still have the following redheaded stepchildren with regards to gear and variety of play: Enhancement Shaman, Paladins, Warriors, and Death Knights.

Tanks getting the shaft again? Shortage not fixed?
#13 - Oct. 8, 2008, 7:13 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I expected this to be about polearms for some reason, but anyway, overall tanks should see an increase in their total damage output in Wrath of the Lich King. It varies a bit by class but soloing while tank-spec shouldn't be much of an issue.
#26 - Oct. 8, 2008, 7:32 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I think you guys are missing the point.

Let me spell it out for you:

Holy Priest raids, collects one set of 'healing' gear, decides to go shadow, BAM, already has the gear to be an amazing shadow priest.

Prot Pally raids, collects one set of tanking gear, decides to go ret, BAM, undergeared, collect more +crit, less +defense plx.

You may want to add that switching to shadow they might want to focus on hit rating instead of mana regeneration.

It already varies a bit by class, but yes, there are a number situations where players will likely want more than 1 set of gear.