Death of the non hybrid

#0 - Oct. 7, 2008, 5:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Ok i started a few post about this in another topic but i think it deserves its very own.

boomkins, elemental shaman, and shadow priests definitely got the biggest buff from this spell power change now they will essentially be able to bring 2 different aspects to a 10 man via the double talent spec.
Need an extra healer this fight sure no problem now Mr. Boomkin is a tree. what about mages/locks hey Mr Mage for this fight we need you to give us some extra heals oh wait NM that's the elemental shaman that was putting out just as much damage as you (also has the CC they always dreamed about) last fight we were thinking about! sorry...

"We're definitely pursuing the ability to switch specs. The details are still being debated internally but we do have plans that would allow for players to switch between specs. "

So now why should you bring a mage/warlock/rogue/hunter to you group?
Sure there will be a mage because everyone knows if your going to a raid YOU MUST HAVE FOOD AND STORES DON'T HAVE ANY. but what do those other classes bring to the table?
#17 - Oct. 7, 2008, 5:51 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Why not its Tuesday I'm not in work and I'm a bit scared as i don't have any of the true hybrids on my character select screen so I'm a little scared. anyone else feel the same way?

We are also aware that there are classes that are not hybrids and we don't want to give a huge advantage to one type over another with this. Does that help a bit?
#19 - Oct. 7, 2008, 5:54 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

I think you're wasting your breath, but I'm cynical like that.

I'll stop breathing then so I don't waste it.... oh wait, I see what you did there.

We will talk more about this planned feature soon though.