Battle Ground: The Labyrinth

#0 - May 9, 2007, 5:26 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Immagine if you will a large four sided labrinth. One filled with dead ends, bridges, tunnels, teleports, closing doors, jumper pads (think the egg/nest quest in Nagrand), temporary buffs, and treasure chests. The match starts with 4 teams of 10 people situated in each corner of the labrynth. 1 minute passes, buffs fly around, strageties are laid in place, and the gates open. The 5 members of each team either split up or stay together, navigating their way through the narrow passageways. Each making their way to find the randomly placed chests.Under ground, across the air, racing through corridors and shutting timed activateable doors behind them.

One team comprised of 3 of that team's 5 players round the corner and enter a room; 3 possible entries, two hallways and a teleporter. A chest is discovered and one member races to open it up. The other two take deffensive positions in the room, one hiding behind a large stack of barrels, the other moving to the corner to grab a temporary buff, granting limited invisibility. 5 seconds go by and two opposing team members charge in from the other tunnel; with 5 seconds still to go, the chest looter's heart starts to race. His two team mates spring from their hiding positions and meet the opposing force head on. The time ticks away and the carrier loots the chest picking up a colored ball and illuminating his character brightly with the associated ball type.

The ball he got this time was the fire ball, increasing his damage output and movement speed by 10%. He quickly moves to assist his party members with his new power. The opposing force sees that he picked up one of the balls as his character shines brightly; they both focus fire and are able to to bring the ball carrier to a wounded state. They fight hard but the many out play the few. Then, as the opposing force falls two different team members come through the teleporter! They immediately see the ball carrier and take him out while he's at low health! Once with power, the carrier falls to the ground, his corpse still glowing brightly. One of the newly teleported participants races forward and loots the body, picking up the energy ball. The unexpected outcome render's him not only the new target, but a different power. As he loots the ball, it changes color, becomming a deep green. His armor and health increase by 10%. His problem: even with the buff, his character is a bit less health than his other party member. The original group of three, now down a man, concentrates their fire on the new carrier. The carrier starts to flee, quickly opening his bags to find the ball; he does! He quickly targets his team member and activates the ball in his inventory. The ball shoots out from his hands and transfers to his friend's inventory! The unfortunate side effect places a debuff on the first carrier, unable to pick up another ball for 30 seconds and places a 20% movement debuff on the new carrier.

The ball changes color yet again as the original team watches the ball fly past them to the other member across the room. This time changing to a golden yellow. His healing power is increased by 10% and each one of his damage spells refunds him with health equal to 10% of the damage dealt! The original team, already slightly weathered from their original fight presses their focus to the new carrier attacking him swiftly in an attempt to out damage the healing his ball is granting him. The four players wrestle around and the new carrier and his ally finally down the original team. They revel in their win momentarily but realize that they must bring their ball to the nether.

Remembering slightly how the Labrynth is built, the two race towards the center of the maze, to turn the energy ball into the nether to score points for their team. They bob and weave through the walls, seeing a battle ahead they run to find another route, being spoted 3 members from an opposing team move in persuit. With the enemy on their tail the two round a corner and see a lever on the ground just beyond an archway. They make it to the other side of the arch and activate the lever, quickly closing a gate below the arch for 10 seconds! They force the following team to find another way around and continue to head towards the center.

They finally arive in a large multi tiered room filled with walls, pillars, and spells and blows flying everywhere. They enter only to find multiple combatants already there, doing the same thing they're there to complete. Each carrier trying to avoid being interrupted as they channel the ball into the nether. The two team mates move in, working together, they see three members of their team already there, holding two balls themselves! They jump down and assist them, throwing heals, interrupts and damage left and right. One carrier falls and the closest member already has a ball! He cant pick it up and calls out for one of his team mate's to pick it up. A rogue from yet different team sneaks up and loots the ball from the dead corpse. The ball turns red, increasing his damage and movement speed by 10%; he uses this to his advantage and quickly darts around the battle field dealing as much damage as he can.

The previous member with the green ball begins to heal his team mates as much as he can whilst avoiding danger. After a heated battle his team prevails, beating down the opposing force and gaining points for their team via killing blows. They draw near to the nether and turn in as many energy balls as they can, channeling the ball in and gaining the debuff akin to a ball passing between members. The opposition they slaughtered respawns at their starting position, a pillar atop which any one of three exits can be chosen, giving them options to travel the path of least resistance.

And the fight rages on. 40 players. 4 teams. One question: Can you find your way through The Labrynth?

TLDR Version:

Q u o t e:
A maze-like Battle Ground, filled with temporary buffs, looted from randombly placed chests to grant the buff, then brought to the center of the maze to turn in for points. Multiple exits and entries to every room, tunnels, hidden passageways, closable doors. All made to help get your carrier to safety.
#8 - May 9, 2007, 5:33 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I clicked on this thread expecting something about the Babe.

Post suggestions in the Suggestions forum, please. ;)