Why have this section?

#1 - Feb. 3, 2017, 9:23 p.m.
Blizzard Post
No one from Blizzard listens or cares, check all the forums, all links, it is like they are not even real. Set the guidelines and leave it be.
The only ones who care are us the paying customer, we use these forums as a place to vent about anything and everything.
Why have an area called "Class Development" and BLizz never checks. it is just a waste of time and a joke.
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#2 - Feb. 3, 2017, 11:32 p.m.
Blizzard Post
A few answers:

1. We try to read every class feedback post that we can. Over the years, they've gotten more and more scattered out across forums and subreddits and Twitter, and that makes it harder and harder to absorb everything. We hope that this particular section consolidates some of that.

2. One of the side-effects of many different locations of feedback is a dilution of prominence for issues. If a subject is being raised a lot in one place, but a different take on it is being raised a little in many places, it's hard to gauge. We're still reading everything everywhere, but this gives us a home base.

3. We want to make sure that we're posting in few places, so that we don't cause any surprises or make people feel they have to check everywhere. We're currently focused on posting about class development here and on our @Warcraftdevs Twitter feed.

4. A similar subforum worked out pretty well during the Legion Beta.

I can name a half-dozen people at Blizzard who are reading most every post made in this new section, including me, and we've gotten some very good results from it so far.