Connected Realms

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#1 - Feb. 3, 2014, 8:53 a.m.
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Update: The Connected Realms roll-out in EU is now complete. To see a list of all connected EU realms, see our other forum post.

For more information on Connected Realms, please read the preview blog post here.
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#16 - Feb. 3, 2014, 12:55 p.m.
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03/02/2014 10:10Posted by Minerx
As far as I know, these realms are RP PVP and are flagged like this by Blizzard... I'm missing something ?

03/02/2014 10:31Posted by Reddot
It seems that Takralus is having bad day. These realms are PvP.

Gimme a break, it's Monday!

Fixed, thanks for the heads up :)
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#84 - Feb. 5, 2014, 4:41 p.m.
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05/02/2014 16:29Posted by Noxno
so uhm did any of the connections work?

It's planned for tonight so check back in the morning :)
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#127 - Feb. 6, 2014, 4:58 p.m.
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06/02/2014 16:48Posted by Pecpec
WTH is this? Skullcrusher whas on top of the list and now its nowhere to be found.... Explain please

As we said in this post last week, the Xavius/Skullcrusher connection has been temporarily postponed. As soon as we have any news on the new date, we'll let everyone know :)
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#204 - Feb. 10, 2014, 1 p.m.
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10/02/2014 12:16Posted by Reptilik
03/02/2014 08:53Posted by Takralus
(PvP) Dunemaul and Auchindoun/Jaedenar

This connection appear both next week and in the week starting with 24th of Feb. It's a mistake or was postponed?

I updated the post, it's scheduled for this week. Sorry for the confusion :)
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#209 - Feb. 10, 2014, 2 p.m.
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10/02/2014 13:31Posted by Mcaffee
Any chance of English PVE realms getting some connecting love from you guys as to this date only 2 of these connections have been made versus 15 PVP connections.

Top of my head I would say Bronze Dragonflight & Hellfire are in dire need for a love connection to be made sooner rather then later.

We've nothing against PvE realms at all, there just happened to be more low pop PvP realms, which is why the list is a little PvP heavy right now. We're trying to help some of the smallest realms first, then work our way up to the bigger ones where possible.
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#214 - Feb. 10, 2014, 2:40 p.m.
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10/02/2014 14:14Posted by Ailuro
10/02/2014 11:09Posted by Sinedd

English realms doesn't lack RP realms that can be connected as in the Spanish realms, this also happened to a RP-PvP realm somewhere in a non-English realm which got connected to a normal PvP realm, but here the RP-PvP realms with low population got connected together without any normal PvP server, so most likely this will be the case for RP realms.

Whilst likely true, it would be comforting to have an official statement that this is indeed an exception-case.
Because up untill now, I was under the impression that only similair type realms would be connected.

Even if this is an exception, it does bring about the question how it will be handled that rp(pvp) have additional policies that are likely to conflict with policies in place on pve/pvp realms.

This is indeed an exceptional case for Spanish realms, due to the fact there was only one RP and one RP PvP realm. We asked the players on these realms what they would prefer, and this was the option they went for.
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#304 - Feb. 18, 2014, 2:37 p.m.
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18/02/2014 07:42Posted by Qahnaarin
I honestly don't give a crap. It's all Blizzards fault in the first place they allowed the realms to become neglected which lead to this situation. Now as a result of their negligence all our realms (apart from high pops) are suffering. Quel'thalas used to be a pretty damn good server back in TBC and Wrath now it's pretty much dead, nothing useful on the AH and recruiting is next to impossible.

There's no real hope until we get connected and I don't have hopes of them doing so any time soon and until they do I refuse to spend any more money on this game, WoD pre orders and otherwise, I've given them far more than they deserve.

Realm populations fluctuate for various reasons. We can't force people to stay put on certain realms if they'd rather move elsewhere to play with friends or join guilds etc. We're now in a position, tech-wise, where we can connect realms to help with low populations, and so we're doing that as swiftly as we can while making sure it runs as smoothly as possible. I understand that it can be frustrating if you've been waiting for news on your particular realm, however, please know that we're working hard on it, and as soon as I have any news to share, I will.

Edit: typo :P
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#309 - Feb. 18, 2014, 4:17 p.m.
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18/02/2014 15:47Posted by Sareena
Any chance you could let us know which realms are scheduled to be connected to each other?
I have an alt problem that has spilled over onto another realm.

Would like to reduce the number of server transfers as much as possible.

Sadly I can't, because things can change from the plan and we don't want anyone doing anything based on some info we give out that is inaccurate later down the line :(

18/02/2014 14:47Posted by Darkspears

Realm populations fluctuate for various reasons. We can't force people to stay put on certain realms if they'd rather move elsewhere to play with fiends or join guilds etc.

I always knew there were douchebags all over the internet, but people now seek them out too? This seems a bit over the top :D

Fixed now, thanks :3
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#327 - Feb. 21, 2014, 8:53 a.m.
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Hey all, the original post has been updated with the next scheduled batch of connections.
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#333 - Feb. 21, 2014, 10:37 a.m.
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21/02/2014 09:56Posted by Khadryn
21/02/2014 08:53Posted by Takralus
Hey all, the original post has been updated with the next scheduled batch of connections.
Thanks for the update.

I do hope the RP realms will start getting connected soon though.

More EN RP realm connections are indeed coming soon :)

21/02/2014 09:56Posted by Khadryn
By the way, will realms that are connected eventually get their own forums?

Yup, we've started with a couple of them already:
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#351 - Feb. 21, 2014, 12:30 p.m.
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21/02/2014 12:18Posted by Voisin
AD is big, but wouldn't call it overcrowded.. you still have to search really hard to find any RP. Most of the corwdyness is just people idling in SW

Argent Dawn has queues at peak times, so we're not currently looking to connect it with any other realms.
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#354 - Feb. 21, 2014, 12:37 p.m.
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21/02/2014 12:12Posted by Rhy
Hi, from dragonmaw - i've checked the realm pops for each of the servers listed. Dragonmaw and haomarush are more or less faction balanced, but both spinebreaker and vashj are horde dominated with only about 50 active alliance players each. Are there going to be more connections and will they be from more alliance dominant realms to balance off vashj and spinebreaker?

When all realms have been connected to this group (including any not shown), the faction balance should be close. However it's obviously a little hard to predict exactly.
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#413 - Feb. 26, 2014, 8:21 a.m.
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Hey all, Trelw has pretty much covered it, everything went through as planned except the Laughing Skull connection, which needs more time. We'll get that connected at a later date (but not too much later I don't think).
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#460 - Feb. 28, 2014, 8:27 a.m.
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Hey all, I've updated the post to include the next connections.

The Laughing Skull connection which was originally due for this week will hopefully go ahead next week now, then Sunstrider should be the week after if all goes to plan.

Just FYI, as the connections get bigger, it sometimes takes longer for the process to complete which is why we occasionally have to postpone things. But we're super aware that you guys are keen to see the connections go through, so we do all we can to make sure it goes ahead :)
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#475 - Feb. 28, 2014, 10:26 a.m.
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The main issue and the prime reason for frustration for many is that when you are on a medium pop realm, that in theory should function pretty good, but in reallity is struggling hard. You have no idea if Blizzard is actually seeing the major issues affecting your realm sinse they refuse to tell anyone about there plans and who can expect to be connected.

The not knowing part is what are making people agring. Even knowing for sure that your realm would not be connected would be better, as you would then know what you had to work whit. Then you could decide to stay on your dead realm or move on. As it is now all we can do is hope and the longer that goes on the more people will give up whit the game, there server og whit Blizzard.

All people are really asking is for Blizzard to face up and be honest about there ideas and plans.

I understand. However, plans change all the time (as you can see from this week's connections), so telling people what we think we may do way in advance really isn't wise, because if/when it changes, people may be disappointed. Just trust me when I say we know which realms need connecting, and we'll get to them all. I wouldn't advise anyone on a low population realm to consider moving until they've seen what the situation on their realm is like when the connections are done. Please just hang on in there, we're getting to you!
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#488 - Feb. 28, 2014, 12:10 p.m.
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28/02/2014 12:05Posted by Lucisa

My thoughts exactly...why not tho is what I wonder...

Because, as we've said multiple times before, we're helping people on realms with lower populations first. More PvP realms are in a worse situation than PvE realms, hence they're being connected first. Simples.
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#499 - Feb. 28, 2014, 1:10 p.m.
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28/02/2014 12:59Posted by Lucisa
Why in the world are low pop PvP realms be in worse state than PvE? If nothing PvE players (guilds) on low pop realms can have more problems finding recruits for raids etc...At least they should be connected evenly,not 99% of them being PvP...

You're suggesting PvE realms get priority over PvP realms with lower populations because of raiding? Players on PvP realms raid too, ya know.
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#504 - Feb. 28, 2014, 1:35 p.m.
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28/02/2014 13:12Posted by Lucisa
28/02/2014 13:10Posted by Takralus

You're suggesting PvE realms get priority over PvP realms with lower populations because of raiding? Players on PvP realms raid too, ya know.

Uhm....I believe I wrote "they should be connected evenly" so dont put words in o.O :p

Sorry, I misunderstood you. However, as we've said, players on lower population realms have a harder time of finding people for raids & trading in the auction house etc., so we're trying to connect many of the lowest realms first. The realm type doesn't factor into the order.
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#506 - Feb. 28, 2014, 1:41 p.m.
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28/02/2014 13:14Posted by Malgin
"(PvP) Bloodscalp and Emeriss/Agamaggan/Hakkar/Crushridge
(PvP) Laughing Skull and Shattered Halls/Balnazzar/Ahn'Qiraj/Trollbane/

why not do one batch of pvp and one batch of pve??

So the people on Laughing Skull or Bloodscalp should wait while we connect a higher population PvE realm, one that's already in a better situation than either of those realms?
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#509 - Feb. 28, 2014, 2 p.m.
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28/02/2014 13:47Posted by Iarwain

I for one trust, that you people in Blizzard are doing these mergers in the order you feel is best for the most people. We as players tend to look very hard on the issues our own server have and tend to ignore servers whit the same or even worse problems.

As i have mentioned before in this threat. I strongly belive that you would gain a lot more from the community by comming out whit you plan for these connections. Than you would stand to lose is you would haev to whitdraw a few of these prommises.

I know, as I said before, I totally get why people feel so passionately about it. Please know that we do too though :)

All I can currently do is reveal our latest plans as they are decided (which are still subject to change). I will continue to try to share as much as I possibly can.
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#513 - Feb. 28, 2014, 2:29 p.m.
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28/02/2014 14:06Posted by Anroka
It would help us in the community of these realms a lot to know if we can expect more connections to the Moonglade/The'Shatar connection, so we know how to best shape the community.

Another connection is currently planned for that group, but this may change of course depending on population levels :)
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#669 - March 5, 2014, 4:12 p.m.
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05/03/2014 15:00Posted by Cadogan
Blizzard, I am in desperate need of a timeline.

I totally understand that you, along with most of the people in this thread, are very keen for more information. However, we can't give you a timeline because there isn't a set one unfortunately. Plans are adjusted each week (as people have seen).

Please continue watching this thread for the most up-to-date information about upcoming connections.
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#673 - March 5, 2014, 4:38 p.m.
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05/03/2014 16:20Posted by Gursha
Hey out of curiosity when are you going to announce even more PvP connections? I ask so I know when to toss my hopes out of the window again.

Needs moar pvp connections right? Sod everyone else.

Can't say when, but more are coming.

05/03/2014 16:31Posted by Kana
Out of curiosity, do you have a estimated timeframe of when we'll start to see more PvE connections, because I don't want to keep looking as this thread each week and see my realm not on the list again.

Nope, afraid not. But again, they are coming.
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#703 - March 6, 2014, 8:50 a.m.
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Hey all, the original post has been updated :)
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#916 - March 13, 2014, 8:27 a.m.
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13/03/2014 01:56Posted by Tirixian
Although I know that this comment will most likely not be seen by any Blizzard employee, but I hope my voice will be heard by members of the WoW community. Today, my realm The Sha'tar was successfully merged with Moonglade. And when I say successfully, I really mean it.

13/03/2014 01:53Posted by Anroka
With all the bad news, enquiries and complains this thread receives, I figured I might well leave some positive news for the Blizzard representatives. As well as others, of course.

Really happy that you guys have noticed a positive improvement, and thanks for taking the time to give your feedback :D As a fellow Moongladian/Sha'tarian, I can say I also particularly enjoyed seeing everyone welcoming each other and being generally excited about the new situation \o/
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#1130 - March 26, 2014, 8:38 a.m.
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Hey all, the connections went through as planned so I updated the first post to reflect that. I'll add details of the next realms asap :)
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#1200 - March 28, 2014, 8:10 a.m.
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Hey all, I've updated the original post :)
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#1202 - March 28, 2014, 9 a.m.
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28/03/2014 08:13Posted by Maria
Hello, can you please answer one question? Are you done with our group Darksorrow/Genjuros/Neptulon or you are planning to add more realms?

Yes we're done with that group for now.
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#1212 - March 28, 2014, 10:07 a.m.
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28/03/2014 09:10Posted by Zialaeron
Was wondering if the Darkmoon Faire/Earthen Ring connection means we will have a 2 way and a 3 way connection of the smaller 5 RP realms (as opposed to the 5 way most were expecting).

Still waiting to see how things pan out, but we're not currently planning to add more realms to the Darkmoon Faire/Earthen Ring connection.

28/03/2014 09:32Posted by Téacup
Ok, I have to ask because the wait is driving me crazy; Will Steamwheedle Cartel ever get connected?

Current plans are to connect it, yes. But as I always stress, nothing is set in stone; we have to carefully analyse how things go as we proceed :)
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#1215 - March 28, 2014, 10:20 a.m.
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28/03/2014 10:10Posted by Colfernos
Thats a shame really..

I seen server be merged into fives.. that would help the 5 minor Role Play servers if they became one. Seems a lot are hoping for this to happen.

Connecting all five of the low/medium population EN RP realms would result in mild queues at quiet times for players on those realms, and hours of waiting to log on at busy times :(
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#1224 - March 28, 2014, 10:45 a.m.
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28/03/2014 10:27Posted by Andraí
Connecting all five of the EN RP realms would result in mild queues at quiet times for players on those realms, and hours of waiting to log on at busy times :(
Pretty sure there's 6 EN RP realms. :)

Would it really be the case if all except AD were connected, it'd make queues? I always thought all except AD were suffering in a minor way.

You're right, apologies, I edited my post to clarify I was talking about the low/medium population realms. Argent Dawn often has queues by itself so it won't be connected to any others. But yeah as I said, the others aren't as small as, say, some of the PvP ones we've been connecting.
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#1237 - March 28, 2014, 12:43 p.m.
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28/03/2014 10:26Posted by Yolopaggins
@takralus now that you are on a comment spree :D, do you have more information on burning blade and drak'thul?

28/03/2014 11:51Posted by Mammoth
Takralus, while you're commenting, do you have any comments on the BB/DT connection?

Being told that this is now a Cz realm and that you should transfer gets old fast.

We're aware of the situation and we're monitoring events. As this is something that's related to DT/BB, it's better to move the discussion away from the general Connected Realms thread over to the realm forums. I posted in this thread earlier just to nominate a main thread where we can focus the feedback, any updates we have will most likely be posted there :)

28/03/2014 10:33Posted by Graendal
Thanks for the update Takralus. Seeing as there are only a few EN PvP realms left now and considering the fact you said you are done with the Darksorrow/Genjuros/Neptulon connection, does that mean that you're not planning anything for Twilight's Hammer? I'm sorry if I come across as needy or nosy but the suspense has been killing me lately. :(

It's currently on the list for a future connection, however, I'll insert my standard reminder here that if numbers change too much, so may our plans. Stay tuned!

28/03/2014 10:37Posted by Nerraw
Is the Dragonmaw/Haomarush/Etc. connection done for now?

Yup, for now.
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#1249 - March 28, 2014, 3:58 p.m.
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28/03/2014 14:22Posted by Qahnaarin
Still going to push for my realm to be connected regardless.

There's a short Q&A in the original post about which realms will be selected for connection, and when that might be. Unfortunately, "pushing" for it more does not have any effect of the the date we can connect realms, nor will it in future. There are lots of factors that dictate which realms are connected and when, most of them technical.

Just keep checking this thread for updates each week. The current population level of your realm (Quel'Thalas) means it is likely to be connected at some point, bearing in mind this may change of course.

28/03/2014 13:13Posted by Ekaliath
When will Tarren Mill be connected, its like 85% hord over 15 % allie :(( cant even play timeless isle.

Sadly, connected realms won't always help with faction balance :(
#1339 - April 2, 2014, 5:15 p.m.
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Due to some technical issues, the connection between Aggramar and Hellscream did not process completely and therefore has been postponed for the time being. The other connections were completed successfully (see here).

We are not planning to connect any realms next week but Darkmoon Faire and Earthern Ring (EN) as well as Rexxar and Alleria (DE) are still the next in line.
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#1418 - April 14, 2014, 8:50 a.m.
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Hey guys and gals, just dropping in for a quick status update. There are no connections planned to go ahead this week and it's possible they may also be on hold next week too. I'll post again next week to let you know either way. Apologies to those of you keenly awaiting your connections; we're working on getting them done asap :)
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#1514 - April 23, 2014, 7:04 a.m.
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Hey all, no updates for now but as I said before, we'll let you know when the next batch of connections is due to go ahead as soon as possible. I'll post in this thread when there's some news :)
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#1646 - April 29, 2014, 11:44 a.m.
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29/04/2014 07:16Posted by Poisonenvy
I think it would just be nice to have some indication that they are doing something relating to connected realms at the moment, and not just having a breather or a long holiday.

The team is most definitely working on connected-realms-related things right now, but it's mostly things that you aren't able to see on your end. I'm not involved in all the techy stuff (and I probably wouldn't understand it even if they explained it to me) but yes, they are and have been working throughout the pause in connections, looking into any unexpected consequences of past connections, and to make sure that upcoming connections cause as little disruption as possible for everyone, both in-game and here behind the scenes :)
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#1648 - April 29, 2014, 12:23 p.m.
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29/04/2014 13:01Posted by Sylannïa
^ Now that you're here, Taklarus, are we expecting the DMF + ER connection tomorrow or will it be delayed again?

No connections are currently on the schedule for this week. As soon as we know when the next ones will be, we'll update the first post in this thread :)
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#1651 - April 29, 2014, 1:12 p.m.
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29/04/2014 13:45Posted by Azhune
29/04/2014 12:44Posted by Takralus
I'm not involved in all the techy stuff (and I probably wouldn't understand it even if they explained it to me) but yes, they are and have been working throughout the pause in connections, looking into any unexpected consequences of past connections, and to make sure that upcoming connections cause as little disruption as possible for everyone, both in-game and here behind the scenes :)

I'm hoping once all the infrastructure stuff is done, you guys will rocket through the realms that are left. Tempers are getting frayed after all

I hope so too. And I do understand. But I also know how important this work the guys are doing right now is, and I know it will pay off in the end for everyone excited to have their realms connected.
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#2004 - June 3, 2014, 9:33 a.m.
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03/06/2014 01:36Posted by Azhune
02/06/2014 16:16Posted by Twíjfelkont
I've no doubt there is a good reason for the delays. It's just the lack of communication (as usual) that grates after a while.

This is exactly the reason. Lack of communication, when Takralus came in here and commented, that was good, but its been silent for over a month. I would much rather her come in and say something constructive about it rather than do nothing, say nothing or communicate through Trelw

Unfortunately I have nothing new to add right now. As you know, realm connections are on hold while we complete the back end work. As soon as we have some news to share about further connections, we'll update this thread.

Edit: I've updated the original post to reflect this.
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#2071 - June 6, 2014, 8:59 a.m.
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Hey all, the original post has been updated :-)
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#2073 - June 6, 2014, 9:13 a.m.
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06/06/2014 10:07Posted by Lazaran
06/06/2014 09:59Posted by Takralus
Hey all, the original post has been updated :-)

she says super casual like it's nothing O.o

Yeah I'm secretly like
#2220 - June 16, 2014, 2:20 p.m.
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Update! :)
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#2294 - June 19, 2014, 7:50 a.m.
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Good morning all, I've added the next batch of connections to the list :)
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#2300 - June 19, 2014, 8:27 a.m.
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Great, wonderful, fantastic....

Until recently I couldn't wait to get connected but being connected with Azjol is a massive mistake that'll tip the numbers heavily in favour of the alliance. Our auction house will still suck among many other things, tell me Takralus, do you randomly pick names out of a hat and decide damn the consequences?

I played on Grim Batol in times past and the faction balance was horrific. I had hoped other realms wouldn't suffer such one sidesness but that's exactly what Azjol is going to bring with our connection. I would like to know some of Blizzard's insights as to how this is a good thing for us horde players.

We take a number of things into consideration when choosing which realms to connect, and faction balance is definitely one of them. We've managed to create better faction balance through connected realms in a number of cases, but sadly it isn't possible for everyone because Alliance players outnumber Horde on EU PvE realms.

In an ideal world, there would be just as many Horde-heavy realms as Alliance, but that's just not the case. The situation is reversed on PvP realms, where Alliance are generally in the minority. We're trying to help them too, but as I said, we can't balance everything out because the numbers aren't equal.
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#2302 - June 19, 2014, 8:50 a.m.
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So what? You went and found a big alliance realm with next to no balance and shoved it down our throats? Try reading my previous post. Quel'thalas isn't what it once was but it's till a hell of a lot more balanced than Azjol Nerub. This change will NOT help those of us playing on Horde much at all, it'll be fantastic for the alliance but not for us and what would be your grand response to that huh? To tell me that maybe you'll add another realm at some point within the next 10 years given how these connections have been going.

After the connection there will be more horde players for you to interact with, more things for sale in the auction house, more people to recruit for guilds. I understand that you would have liked to be connected with a realm that had more Horde players, but when most PvE realms are Alliance-heavy, that's difficult to accomplish.
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#2483 - June 27, 2014, 8:57 a.m.
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Hey all, the original post has just been updated with the next batch of realm connections :-)
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#2490 - June 27, 2014, 9:32 a.m.
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27/06/2014 10:27Posted by Шокохрюшка
Russian Realms
(PvE) Король-лич and Седогрив

PvE? Really?

Hey my Russian is a little rusty :P Thanks, I'll fix that :)

27/06/2014 10:13Posted by Sassysissy
Thank you Takralus
Question tho ,
03/02/2014 08:53Posted by Takralus
The following realms are due to be connected next:

Does the means next week or is there no date set yet?

Should be 2 July, I'dd add that also!
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#2532 - July 1, 2014, 8:10 a.m.
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Update: The connections for this week should now be going through on Friday. I'll keep you all posted if anything changes :-)
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#2601 - July 4, 2014, 7:57 a.m.
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04/07/2014 08:23Posted by Funeral
I wonder if Dentarg is going to get merged with Xavius/Skullcrusher as this realm connection is still marked as "low" even after they got merged(a long time ago I think?). Or maybe the connection will still be too low so they will match these three(two) with different realms with a bit healthier medium populations?

All going well, we might have news on the Dentarg connection next week, but it's unlikely to be connected with the realms you mentioned. We do plan to add another realm to Xavius/Skullcrusher though. Usual disclaimer, things may change of course. Stay tuned :)
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#2603 - July 4, 2014, 8:46 a.m.
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04/07/2014 09:21Posted by Zees
No French realm? You consider that everything is ok?

Aside from the Spanish realms which have had all currently planned connections completed, I'm pretty sure French realms are actually ahead of English, German, and Russian realms in terms of percentage completed. The remaining realms will be connected as soon as the opportunity arises, rest assured :-)
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#2606 - July 4, 2014, 9:46 a.m.
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04/07/2014 09:50Posted by Yocoplox
It is now a few weeks after "our" realm connection (Arathor-Hellfire) and I notice that my toons' forum avatars and profile backgrounds are still silhouettes. Is there any estimate when those images will be re-rendered, or is there anything I can do to expedite that process?

Sorry about that Yocoplox. Try logging out of completely, clear your Internet browser's cache and cookies, then reset your password. If it's still not showing after that, then you'll just have to hang on a little longer while the database catches up after the connection.
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#2681 - July 9, 2014, 7:12 a.m.
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Hey all, the following realms were successfully connected this morning:

English Realms
  • (PvE) Khadgar and Bloodhoof
  • (PvE) Bronze Dragonflight and Nordrassil

German Realms
  • (PvE) Tichondrius and Lordaeron
  • (PvE) Arygos and Khaz'goroth

Russian Realms
  • (PvP) Король-лич and Седогрив

08/07/2014 23:38Posted by Rigamortal
All i do is hope now, but just decided to post something a bit different to my usual....plz connect Kul Tiras........KT is dead.........Bored in Kul Tiras etc etc.

We do plan to connect your realm, but I don't have a date for you yet I'm afraid. Keep checking back!
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#2689 - July 9, 2014, 9:54 a.m.
Blizzard Post
09/07/2014 08:31Posted by Restraint
So are High Pop Servers being left alone or are there other plans for those?

09/07/2014 08:51Posted by Eisblümchen
What about "Das Konsortium" @DE Servers?

We are one of the lowest populated servers in Europe and after more than half a year of realm connections we wait and hope and,... lose our faith! -.-

Really sucks at the moment!

Greetz from Austria! ;)

p.s. i dont understand why other servers with about 3-5 times our population are connected before us?

Check the FAQ in post #1 :-)

09/07/2014 09:07Posted by Islamp
And Mods... no need to delete my hilarious and insightful posts.

Just trying to keep this thread (somewhat) on topic! Makes it harder for people to find the info and discussion they come here for if folks chat about other things amongst it all ;)
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#2790 - July 15, 2014, 6:28 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey all, I've updated the first post with a new batch of realms. Sorry I'm a little late, it was a bank holiday here yesterday :)
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#2798 - July 15, 2014, 8:20 a.m.
Blizzard Post
15/07/2014 08:46Posted by Maria
15/07/2014 08:35Posted by Trelw
@Maria: That connection is indeed of most benefit to Dentarg as a whole, but it will also help the relatively tiny alliance of TM a bit

True. It will help the tiny Dentarg population but it's still strange because they stated that only low and some medium realms will be connected. Tarren Mill is a high pop realm.

Tarren Mill is one of the larger medium population realms, partially due to the highly popular FCMs we opened to it earlier this year. It should be a great improvement for Dentarg players :)
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#2804 - July 15, 2014, 9:48 a.m.
Blizzard Post
15/07/2014 10:07Posted by Anvarra
My personal reason to ask was that with my mailbox still being screwed up I've started to send my mail to storage toons on Darkspear (as they still have space) and hence wouldn't be elated, to put it mildy, if suddenly the Terokkar-Darkspear connection went *poof*.

The connections are permanent, so please don't worry that you'll find yourselves separated again. To clarify, Terokkar/Darkspear is due to be connected to Saurfang tomorrow :)

15/07/2014 09:51Posted by Agatone
Please can we have ETA on armoury for characters affected by realm connection:

The Maelstrom / Deathwing / Karazhan / Lightning's Blade

The following blue post gives the impression that it should of been fixed by now:


The armory issue is a known side effect of realm connections I'm afraid, but in most cases it resolves itself in a few days. If it goes on for a prolonged period of time, please report it in the Customer Support forum.
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#2858 - July 16, 2014, 7:22 a.m.
Blizzard Post
These realms were successfully connected earlier today:

English Realms
  • (PvE) Saurfang and Darkspear/Terokkar

German Realms
  • (PvE) Teldrassil and Perenolde
  • (PvE) Durotan and Tirion
  • (PvE) Lothar and Baelgun

See post #1 for info on the next batch and check back in a few days for info on the ones following that :-)
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#2918 - July 18, 2014, 7:20 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Greetings all, post #1 has been updated with another batch of realm connections :-)
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#3017 - July 23, 2014, 9:43 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey all, the scheduled connections all went through:

English Realms
  • (PvE) Lightbringer and Mazrigos
  • (PvP) Dentarg and Tarren Mill

German Realms
  • (PvE) Norgannon and Dun Morogh
  • (PvP) Nefarian and Nera'thor

Russian Realms
  • (PvP) Пиратская бухта and Ткач смерти

These realms should all be back up or will be shortly :)
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#3130 - July 28, 2014, 8:29 p.m.
Blizzard Post
28/07/2014 20:27Posted by Trelw
Silvermoon will be down for maintenance, not connection.

Only Aerie Peak and Bronzebeard are connected (of English Realms).

Blue tagging for confirmation :-)
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#3185 - July 30, 2014, 11:15 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hello all, unfortunately we've had to postpone the Bronzebeard and Aerie Peak connection. We'll attempt it again at a later date, sorry guys. The following realms were successfully connected:

German Realms
  • (PvP) Mannoroth and Nefarian/Nera'thor
Russian Realms
  • (PvP) Гром and Термоштепсель

I also added the next batch of scheduled connections to the first post.
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#3248 - July 31, 2014, 7:06 a.m.
Blizzard Post
31/07/2014 05:08Posted by Dejadeux
P.S @ Tak, I'll ask once again, please stop drip feeding us information. We deserve better and for a community facing representative tasked with keeping the playerbase up to date on something that is important to them your performance has been pathetic at best. This has been a work in progress for Blizzard for almost 6 months. It's just not good enough.

We can only pass on information that we actually have. The schedule is worked on and updated constantly, and once we know which realms are to be connected, we share it with you guys. I understand everyone is keen to see their realm connected, believe me I do. I play on these realms too. Connecting realms is not straightforward though, and we're progressing at the speed that we're able to when all the necessary steps and precautions have been taken.
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#3249 - July 31, 2014, 7:17 a.m.
Blizzard Post
30/07/2014 16:10Posted by Normandy
How much later is that later date?

Promise to update you all as soon as we know. A lot may depend on how the upcoming connections go of course.
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#3362 - Aug. 5, 2014, 6:42 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Morning all, the following realms were successfully connected:

French Realms
  • (PvE) Uldaman and Drek'Thar
German Realms
  • (PvP) Destromath and Nefarian/Nera'thor/Mannoroth
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#3389 - Aug. 6, 2014, 6:59 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Morning all, the first post has been updated with the next round of connections :-)
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#3534 - Aug. 13, 2014, 6:21 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The following realms were successfully connected today:

English Realms
  • (PvE) Azuremyst and Stormrage
German Realms
  • (PvP) Nathrezim and Anetheron/Festung der Stürme/Rajaxx/Gul'dan

Look out for more updates in the coming days.
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#3591 - Aug. 18, 2014, 10:39 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hi everyone, the first post has been updated with the next couple of batches of connections. I'll update it again as soon as we receive the info.
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#3615 - Aug. 19, 2014, 7:08 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Morning all, the following realms were successfully connected today:

German Realms
  • (PvE) Rexxar and Alleria
  • (PvP) Kel'Thuzad and Arthas/Vek’lor/Blutkessel
  • (PvP) Onyxia and Dethecus/Terrordar/Mug’thol/Theradras
French Realms
  • (RP) Les Sentinelles and Confrerie du Thorium/Les Clairvoyants

I've updated the list with a few more realms that are scheduled to be connected in the coming weeks.
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#3690 - Aug. 22, 2014, 7:07 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The following realms were successfully connected today:

German Realms
  • (PvP) Wrathbringer and Arthas/Vek’lor/Blutkessel/Kel'Thuzad
  • (PvP) Azshara and Krag'jin
  • (RP) Die ewige Wacht and Die Silberne Hand
  • (RP) Todeswache and Zirkel des Cenarius

The first post has been updated, we'll provide you with further connection info next week :)
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#3730 - Aug. 26, 2014, 7:18 a.m.
Blizzard Post
23/08/2014 04:28Posted by Anroka
Would it be possible for you to give an indication about how long it will reasonably take for us to get a shared Moonglade/TheSha'tar/SteamwheedleCartel Forum, after the connection is complete? :)

I try to get the new realm forums up on the Friday after the final realm has been connected to the group, so it should only be a couple of days. If for some reason I'm away, it could be a little longer though :)
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#3749 - Aug. 27, 2014, 7:26 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The following realms were successfully connected today:

German Realms
  • (PvE) Proudmoore and Madmortem
  • (PvP) Frostmourne and Nazjatar/Dalvengyr
  • (PvP) Gorgonnash and Nefarian/Nera'thor/Mannoroth/Destromath
  • (RP) Der Mithrilorden and Der Rat von Dalaran
  • (RP PvP) Kult der Verdammten and Die Arguswacht/Die Todeskrallen/Das Syndikat/Der Abyssische Rat
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#3773 - Aug. 28, 2014, 7:10 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey all, a few more realms have been added to the first post, we'll add further details as soon as we receive them :)
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#3848 - Sept. 3, 2014, 6:25 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The following realms were successfully connected earlier today:

English Realms
  • (RP PVP) Defias Brotherhood and Scarshield Legion/Ravenholdt/The Venture Co/Sporeggar
German Realms
  • (PvP) Zuluhed and Nazjatar/Dalvengyr/Frostmourne
  • (PvP) Kil'Jaeden and Anetheron/Festung der Stürme/Rajaxx/Gul'dan/Nathrezim
  • (RP) Forscherliga and Die Nachtwache

We'll update the thread with further connections in the coming days :)
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#3875 - Sept. 4, 2014, 7:25 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I just updated the list with a few more realms, as always I'll post more info as soon as we know :)

03/09/2014 16:45Posted by Trelw
because Takralus' latest update only has that one German connection for the 9th (which interestingly enough is a Tuesday, not Wednesday)

Sorry, my bad! Corrected to the 10th.

03/09/2014 23:13Posted by Shriukan
So now that all 5 english RP-PvP realms have been connected, when can we expect to have the respective realm subforums merged as well?

I usually create the group's new forum on the Friday after the final connection, so it should be tomorrow! (Update: it's up now!)
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#3888 - Sept. 4, 2014, 9:22 a.m.
Blizzard Post
04/09/2014 09:32Posted by Theocott
Does that mean the Quel'thalas/Azjol Nerub connection should expect another realm added to it? Since we haven't got a merged forum yet.

Thanks for highlighting that, seems they slipped through the net. I'll add the new forum for those realms tomorrow, apologies for the delay!

Edit: Got it done today instead :)
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#3938 - Sept. 8, 2014, 8:22 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Just a quick heads up that next planned connection will likely take place tomorrow morning instead of on 10 September (Wednesday) as originally listed.

German Realms
  • (PvP) Anub'arak and Nazjatar/Dalvengyr/Frostmourne/Zuluhed
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    #3965 - Sept. 9, 2014, 11:26 a.m.
    Blizzard Post
    The following realms were successfully connected earlier today:

    English Realms
    • (PvE) Doomhammer and Turalyon
    German Realms
    • (PvP) Anub'arak and Nazjatar/Dalvengyr/Frostmourne/Zuluhed

    We'll update the first post with more connections over the coming days :)

    Edit: Updated info
    Forum Avatar
    #3973 - Sept. 9, 2014, 1:55 p.m.
    Blizzard Post
    Yup, apologies guys, Doomhammer and Turalyon were indeed connected today alongside the German connection. Those sneaky server goblins... *shakes fist*

    09/09/2014 14:12Posted by Lahis
    When will you fix the Armory for merged realms? After the Turaylon-Doomhammer merge, all armory functions for characters on Doomhammer are broken (and have been for any merged realms in the past).

    Kinda sucks to not be able to use Mobile Armory app anymore, not to mention I can't find my characters in the website either.

    It's normal for Armory functions to be down for a time after realm connections, you can find out more in the thread on the support forum:
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    #4007 - Sept. 10, 2014, 7:28 a.m.
    Blizzard Post
    Morning all, the first post has been updated with more realms that will be connected in the upcoming weeks :)
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    #4142 - Sept. 18, 2014, 11:04 a.m.
    Blizzard Post
    Hey everyone,

    The first post has been updated with upcoming connections!
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    #4287 - Sept. 25, 2014, 8 a.m.
    Blizzard Post
    First post has been updated!
    We're getting very close to completing all the planned connections.
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    #4324 - Oct. 1, 2014, 7:17 a.m.
    Blizzard Post
    The following realms were successfully connected this morning:

    English Realms
    • (PvE) Anachronos and Alonsus/Kul Tiras
    • (PvE) Emerald Dream and Terenas
    • (PvP) Twilight's Hammer and Emeriss/Agamaggan/Hakkar/Crushridge/Bloodscalp
    • (PvP) Al'Akir and Xavius/Skullcrusher

    The CRZ on RP realms was indeed planned, but we've noted your feedback on it. Stay tuned :)
    Forum Avatar
    #4364 - Oct. 2, 2014, 11:26 a.m.
    Blizzard Post
    01/10/2014 17:10Posted by Nymi
    As someone playing on both AD and the other RP servers, I just want to add my voice to the "Please reconsider this decision" group. AD is a special beast, and I think you would be taking something away from the other RP realms by lumping them in with AD. Hook them up with each other, by all means, but please not AD. These smaller realms function in a different way. Not better or worse, but different. And the people that play WoW want different things. Please take that into consideration and undo this link.

    Okay, I have news. Changes will be made to how CRZs between AD and the other RP realms work in the coming weeks :)
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    #4369 - Oct. 2, 2014, 3:24 p.m.
    Blizzard Post
    02/10/2014 15:36Posted by Azhune
    02/10/2014 14:03Posted by Twíjfelkont

    Are we allowed to ask what kind of changes?

    We're always allowed to ask. If we get an answer or not though is never certain. Most likely we won't untill they're ready to implement it.

    Thanks for the hard work as always, Tak.

    The changes mean that players on AD and those on the other RP realms should come into contact less often :)
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    #4416 - Oct. 8, 2014, 7:07 a.m.
    Blizzard Post
    The last of the EU realms were successfully connected today:

    English Realms
    • (PvE) Eonar and Vek'nilash/Blade's Edge
    • (RP) Steamwheedle Cartel and Moonglade/The Sha'tar
    German Realms
    • (RP PvP) Das Konsortium and Die Arguswacht/Die Todeskrallen/Das Syndikat/Der Abyssische Rat/Kult der Verdammten