#1 - Feb. 26, 2013, 10:18 p.m.
Im disapointed that Crossrealm Zones have ruined Fun World PvP server events what i created on Outland with the help from my own guild called Honor Capped.In wotlk cata etc there was lag however this is very easy to get around and never cause me a problem unless you have a bad grapphic card.
The problem i have is that Cross realm servers have now ruined all chances of World PvP due to the phasing it creates every time we do 40v40 battles,Mop was surpose to be the return in world pvp for me and i feel its killed the aspect of it.We have done some research into this and found that if you go to Tol Barad there isnt any crossrealm zones and here we can PvP 40v40 WITH OUT PHASING.
Now im not saying that lag never happend before mop but phasing is the biggest problem for us and i really hope you guys can either update servers or just remove the crossrealm zones because at the moment your servers cant handle it.........
This isnt a moan because ive been ganked or anything im disapointed that i cant create World PVP events larger than 20..... when i have a guild of 500.
I ask and i beg that someone please from blizzards team will look into removed cross realm zones from certain servers.Outland is the last server with World PVP on a scale of what it was in Vanilla.
Here is proof of the lag and phasing that comes from doing world pvp battles vsing Guild vs Guild
http://i.imgur.com/DzPMNqC.jpg Before the battle
http://i.imgur.com/1Upptcp.jpg Both sides charge
http://i.imgur.com/cszd15G.jpg Healers can heal anyone or even see there own players also causing some people to Lag and even DC.
Video proof
I want this looked into because at the moment this is becoming a joke!
Regards Destinite,Outland EU.