Need help with "Good Suramaritan" Achivement?

#1 - Aug. 23, 2018, 2:24 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hi ! I am trying to get the achievement as part of the loremaster achievement for flying but I am at a roadblock, the only 2 bits I have left I have left for the achievement is "A growing crisis" and "A change of seasons" but the only quests I have are for dungeons and a raid I don't have any more (except exalted) do I need to do the dungeons or raids for it? or reach exalted? or did I miss one?

the last one I did was the women getting promoted to advisor and helping a guy collect bark in a tunnel and kill mages but I don't have anyone to help with the dungeons or raids If I need to do them
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#5 - Aug. 23, 2018, 9:06 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey Araumi,

I would suggest that you find a group of people that are in the same quest as yourself or wish to do the Emerald Nightmare raid, together. This will help you out with the questline, for your Good Suramaritan achievement, and maybe find some friends too!