How long will we have to wait after ulduar?

#0 - April 9, 2009, 10:58 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I'm a long time avid fan of world of warcraft. I loved original and TBC. I've seen every encounter in the game and I have been impressed with them. You have managed to keep me entertained for the last few years very nicely.

BUT I can't help but feel cheated in wrath. For many reasons:

Lack of content and bringing Naxx back:
I work as a programmer. I like to reuse code it makes sense, but part of reusing code means that I can spend more time adding in more new code.
I ofc understand you felt that many people haddn't had the chance to see naxx the first time round and it fits with the LK story lines. But its not as if it is a totally new instance is it.. but where are the other raids?
(single boss encounters are not raids! gawddamit)

A nice idea, don't get me wrong, but it feels like you expect this to make up for the lack of content.
It feels like you expect us running the same instance again for the 100th time but this time wearing our pants on our heads while only casting your main ability when the boss emotes "spank meh !@@%@ez" to some how keep us happy for the 2-3months while you scramble about in the background trying to make something else for us to raid.

The waiting for ulduar:
imo THIS is what is ultimatley going to kill this game, I have felt the effect of this myself soo many times recently thinking to myself (admittedly while jumping around in IF for an hour) "WTF am I doing this game isn't fun anymore". If I have to run naxx for another 2 weeks I am going to actually explode, (seriously there will be pieces of enraged warlock everywhere). Don't tell me to go play another game or go outside in that typically condisending tone please. I don't want to. I want to play this game, or, now I am thinking about it, at least how this game was :(

Difficulty level and the new End Game raiding model:
You don't raid stacking anymore (bring the player not the class), fine (in theory). But you have to understand if you make posts that say disc priest will let your tank survive two 25k hits where other healers can't, that paints a different picture in most peoples mind. Yes, you could argue that you could do it without, also by that logic a blind person could shoot an apple of a small childs head, it isn't the best way to give you the highest chance of sucess. **cough cough**expect hard mode attempts to have every buff/debuff available. :/ Please make up your minds.

When TBC was drawing to a close just before you gave us all superpowers and nerfed BT into the ground so I could maintank it on a T4 geared paladin, there was a feeling of awe about SWP and BT, (well maybe more SWP than BT but you get my point).
There was a feeling like you were actually on the cutting edge of raiding when you were fighting kalecgos for the first time, or when you Killed illidan it actually felt like an achievement, but now... :( even killing 3D is a bit.. meh..
The tactics are dull!!! with the great fights in TBC you had to coordinate as a team ,you had to work together to make it.
now with the hardest encounter in the current game, basically you just have to not stand in zoids while doing your normal job. Feel like a step backwards to you too?

I have loved the new areas, I thought grizzly hills was soo beautiful I almost cried. (But who wants to stay at lvl 74-76 forever. Although your not missing much at 80 :P)
The new 5-man instances are really nicely thought-out, most of the have a circluar path to them, or at least some way of getting back to the start /thumbsup, and the fights are more interesting that the lvl 80 raids at times.

The gear is nicely modelled and theres a few pieces that are looking really pretty.

My ranting aside and back to my original question...
Do you intend to make us wait another 2-3 months after we have finished Ulduar for somethign else to do?

#37 - April 10, 2009, 9:13 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Not long now! Was so tempted to leave it with just that reply and then move along..

We have a lot of very cool content coming in patch 3.1.0 and because of this it has needed a lot of development care and attention before we feel it is ready to release. As you mention, a big chunk of this patch is Ulduar and it really is a rather large and fully featured new raid instance. But that's not all that's coming, just a quick look at the patch notes in the PTR forum will show we've made quite a lot of class changes also, amongst other things. And then we have the enigmatic Argent Tournament too, which I'm personally quite looking forward to -- it could be the start of something big!

I know it feels as though you've been waiting, and we empathise with the mix of both frustration and enthusiasm. As players of the game, we're all really keen to get into playing it with our live characters too. :-)
#39 - April 10, 2009, 9:26 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
what have you done with the real Wryxian ? !! :O
Maybe you're new here :-) Unfortunately not as able to post as much as I used to, but I'd like to try and fix that.
#49 - April 10, 2009, 1:42 p.m.
Blizzard Post
It would seem I misread the subject of the thread, reading "after" as "for"!

We cannot speculate how long after 3.1 we'll release the 3.2 patch, unfortunately. But my advice is to give 3.1 a try first -- it might keep you occupied longer than you suspect.