Blizzard, please update the stickies

#0 - March 31, 2009, 5:13 p.m.
Blizzard Post
i made 2 posts on the druid and mage forums, to ask information about starting one of these classes, and every time someone pointed me to the stickies.

so, on the druid forums, i check out the stickies, and there i see (drums):
3 guides that are up to date (3.0.2 or later).
all the rest is just waaaaay out of date.

so i check the mage stickies:
even worse: as far as i can tell, there are NO guides that are really up to date (apart from some gimmick guides, but most things in there are outdated (like downranking))

so i check out the other stickies for the 7 other classes (DK's are obviously up to date(at least for 3.0.2), so did not bother for them) and these are my results:

  • hunter: 1 guide, about survival raiding.

  • paladin: 2 guides for protection, 1 for retribution, but external. some guides even talk about separate spell and melee crit ratings... talking about old.

  • priest: as far as i can see, no really useful guides that are up to date. some talk about downranking, one even talks about the priest racials, weren't those removed?

  • rogue: 1 guide up to date. there is one guide that does not even mention blood elves as capable to be rogues. and i thought the guide i mentioned at the paladin was old!!

  • shaman: one guide, for elemental shamans. for example, there is a guide at enhancement that does not mention the feral spirits (ghost wolves) you can summon at 60(talented).

  • warlock: as far as i can see, yet again no guides that are up to date.

  • finally, warrior: 2 guides, one for fury, 1 for protection. one guide even refers to crushing blows. those were effectively removed from tanking, or so i thought...

now i have 2 pieces of advice, 1 to the community and 1 to blizzard:

to the community:
please, either update your guides, or bring out new ones. the lowbies will really thank you for the effort.

to Blizzard:
please, update the list of stickies. we don't want to know about separate crit and hit ratings for melee/spells, we don't want priest racials, we don't want blood elves to be unmentioned as rogues, please, just update these lists, but wait till 3.1.0 comes out.

edit: spelling and punctuation.
#1 - March 31, 2009, 5:27 p.m.
Blizzard Post
It's in the pipeline. If people want to make new guides to reflect the current version of the game, then we welcome them in the forums, and will include them when the new stickies go live in the class forums.