#4 - March 19, 2009, 11:53 a.m.
Q u o t e:
maybe creating topics like http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=8449735154&sid=1 is relevant about the state of mages nowdays.
Poviding relevant feedback is useless because it is constantly getting ignored
I'm sure that my patience has ended with this.
If you do not understand that you got to feed your kids because we are paying for wow go find another job
The players who decide to post in a manner that violates our forum codes of conduct are only doing themselves a disservice by essentially ensuring that they will not be able to provide any thoughts, comments or feedback to us at all - possibly never - if their suspension history or forum offenses warrant it.
Without trying to sound too draconian with our policing; it boils down to the simple case of "Either you post in the manner we have deemed acceptable or you don't post at all".
We would much rather prefer to spend the majority of our time on these forums doing constructive work like compiling feedback or participating in discussions where we can; however - some players seem to feel that a more valuable use of our time is having to clean up their mess because they decided to go on a rampage on the forums for whatever reason. It would be nice if the community as a whole could encourage themselves proactively to post on these forums in a good manner at all times, rather than halfway lending support to those that have nothing better to do than waste our time by sympathising with their postings based on personal bias.
Yes - we can and will police the forum rules if we have to, however - we would much rather see a mentality change in the community as a whole in regards to what is acceptable posting. We don't want to have to be the "big bad forum police" every time a class change is pushed to a testing environment (without even the guarantee that said change will make it live or undergo further changes, mind you) just because some players can not or will not control their knee-jerk reactions.
The power to keep these forums clean and constructive is largely in the hands of the community posting here. Let's not spiral down the road of "but you messed with our class so now we're going to make these forums a complete mess with spam/troll/rage posts so you can feel our wrath". Things simply do not work that way.
It's as simple as that.