#0 - March 18, 2009, 11:15 a.m.
Recommended realms
Normal/PvE: Saurfang, Terokkar
PvP: Shattered Halls, Vek'nilash, Xavius
RP: Darkmoon Faire
RP PvP: Scarshield Legion
Saurfang (normal/PvE), Battlegroup Misery, opened January 31 as a fresh realm (no migration to the realm for 90 days).
Free Character Migration (FCM)
Please note that any migration may be closed at any time should a destination realm's population rise too high.
To improve the faction ratio on Magtheridon, the following migrations are available from March 18th to 24th:
From Magtheridon (Horde only) to Balnazzar, Burning Blade, Chromaggus, Dragonmaw, Executus, Genjuros, Hakkar, Haomarush, Neptulon, Sunstrider, Tarren Mill, Trollbane, Zenedar, and Silvermoon (PvE)
To Magtheridon (Alliance only) from all PvE realms except Chamber of Aspects and Saurfang
No other FCM will be open this week for English realms.
Paid Character Transfers (PCT)
All English realms follow the regular PCT rules, found here: