Bring Back Marks for Reputation

#0 - March 11, 2009, 2:42 p.m.
Blizzard Post
When you have all the PvP gear you need, the marks just become pretty useless. You do the BG's for fun im sure, but if you are also after the reputation you have to put a huge amount of time into running the BG's. Remember when you could get faction rep for marks? I say bring it back, I mean why not? In before making WoW EZ-mode etc, just make it less of a grind. Sure you could get full rep after alot of grinding but grinding isnt fun.
#22 - March 18, 2009, 5 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
i used to think they shouldn't re-implement marks for rep, but now i don't really care anymore. i still need around 200 wins total (or something like that, divide on AB/WSG) for my conqueror title on this alt, and i'm fine with that. however, if they were to put in marks for rep, i wouldn't mind. makes little difference to me anymore, because i know i will get it eventually.

edit: it was also a lot easier to get AV rep pre tbc. i farmed it to exalted in 2 days iirc. these days you're lucky to get into an even sided battle.

At this moment in time there are no plans to change the way gain reputation with Warsong Gulch. The future is ever changing however, so with that in mind, please feel free to repost this suggestion in the Suggestions forum :-)