Epeen rating

#0 - March 11, 2009, 12:57 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I never understood why I should spend time doing achievement for the sake of getting some "epeen" points. I have some titles that I just got from doing PvE etc, but I never use it walking around like a proud epeen kid. Most achievement have "I am a nerd with too much time" written all over it.

Would you wear a title that makes you look like a nerd with little or no real life outside WoW? (Fishing a giant rat in the Underbelly, nerd anyone?)

Imho I mostly respect people who have titles, but choose to be so IMBA they do not care to show them off.

#31 - March 11, 2009, 3:26 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I never understood why I should spend time doing achievement for the sake of getting some "epeen" points. I have some titles that I just got from doing PvE etc, but I never use it walking around like a proud epeen kid. Most achievement have "I am a nerd with too much time" written all over it.

Would you wear a title that makes you look like a nerd with little or no real life outside WoW? (Fishing a giant rat in the Underbelly, nerd anyone?)

Imho I mostly respect people who have titles, but choose to be so IMBA they do not care to show them off.

It is not a very nice thing to label other people as nerds just because they enjoy an aspect of the game that you do not!