Suggestion for Warrior PvP remake

#0 - Feb. 22, 2009, 2:16 p.m.
Blizzard Post
from my personal experience in Wotlk PvP I can conclude that Arms warriors ( which is supposed to be the main PvP spec, right? )
simply lack the survivability to counter many classes. The fights VS melee classes are either too short, resulting in the warrior's death
or VS ranged, warriors get CCed too much to fight effectively. So simply put: Warriors don't have enought time. Damage however may be quite
competitive even thought the recent Sudden Death nerf.

There are several ways to fix the issue.
1. To boost the warriors HP and healing abilities( maybe through Strenght of Arms warrior can get more stamina ? ), which in combination with Second Wind,
Enraged Regeneration, and Blood Craze can work pretty nice without copying much any other class abilities.
2. To boost damage reduction - that will probably be best by adding new talent, but it will probably be too similar to any of the Death Knight's
abilities or presences.
3. To optimize several of the warrior's abilities so they don't "waste" that much time. Here I have some suggestions.

+ Rend - Rend is a DoT that costs 10 rage, has instant cast , is on GCD ( Global Cooldown ) and lasts about 27 sec. ( With Glyph ) and with average
lvl 80 PvP gear will do about 7-8k phys. non-dispelable Dmg.,for the whole duration. It can however Miss, be Parried or Dodged. To be that effective
Rend has to be supported by Improved Rend 2/2, Trauma 2/2 , Glyph of Rending and the target has to be above 90% Hp ( LoL...). Rend is also essential
for the use of Overpower that is supported by Improved Overpower 2/2 , Taste for Blood 3/3 , Unrelenting Assault 2/2 , Blood Frenzy 2/2.
13 talent points.
All of those rely on Rend ( Without Rend, Overpower is efficient only on a Rogue in Evasion, that is otherwise 15 sec. invulnerable to a warrior
and some dodgy Bears :D , that it can crit for the amazing 800 Dmg. with 186 Dps. weapon ! )
What I suggest to be changed is:
1st.Take it off GCD so it can be put into macros ( When a warrior charges a targed there is 15 rage to apply
1 skill., it is usually Hamstring or Rend. Why not both of them?).
Not sure if it can be displayed properly as a separate hit...
2nd. Make a 6-10 sec.( or longer ) CD. on it so it won't be spammed.
3rd. Effective healing reduction has been a "Reserved Warrior's Trademark" for years. So why not give it back?
I suggest that Rend is made to create a debuff, stacking 10 times , renewing its own duration and reducing healing done with 2% for each
application. I know what many would say here... But in pefrect situation it would take about 60-70 sec. to achieve 70% healing reduction.
Perfect situations do not exist. With lots of CC on the warrior, with all misses , dodges, parries , "not enough rage " messages,
( in arena and considering the warrior is alive ) it would take about 2-3 minutes to reach a state when healing on target is reduced by 70%
and will not be for long...
This should make warriors competitive in arena.

+ Overpower - With 900 resilience on enemy warrior would have about 15% chance to crit and since 80% of the warrior's abilities rely on ctiticals
Useless Junk > Warrior. So why not simply increase trigger chance of Overpower from Taste for Blood to 45-60% from 30% on 3/3?

+ Sunder Armor - It is also on GCD, making it slow in PvP ( many warriors use Heroic Strike and Slam to lose rage and forget about Sunders )
Maybe Improved Mortal Strike can be changed to have 50-70% chance to apply Sunder Armor effect? I need discussion on that.
Will there be people trying to tank as Arms talented?

+ Hamstring - Improved Hamstring changed to decrease movement speed by 10,20, 30% on 3/3 ? With Imroved Hamstring and glyph now it still has too little
chance to hold the enemy, and there is trinket for that right?
In some encounters warrior is being slowed by more than 50% and even with increase movement speed enchant the enemy remains out of reach
without using any special CC effects. Need discussion on that from every class but I believe it is fair... Most have their ways to get
distanse and it should not be by just outrunning the warrior in panic but rather by good timing and "coldblooded" actions. :D

+ Enraged Regeneration - Maybe the Endless Rage talent or some other can also reduce Cd. by 2 minutes and reduce duration by 3-5 sec. on
Enraged Regeneration? After all in those 10 seconds. warriors can be feared and have lower DMG. because of inability
to gain Wrecking Crew effect. If it is taken off GCD and has its healing effect increased by 10-20% warriors will be back from
the dead :D . Need discussion on that but don't think it is too OP considering the current warrior status and survivability.

+ Charge and Intercept - Maybe those could have a knock down effect? This is too much, but those are rather ineffective at their current stage and
need to be changed. Need some feedbacks here. Charge should have increased CD ( about 40 sec. ) but be available in combat.
Reason for this is that many warriors start the combat with it and when they receive some minor damage they lose 5 seconds before
they can mass up rage for a hit or even reach the target. Maybe the Warbringer talent can be moved down the tree so it is useable
for Arms talented warriors?

+ Improved Charge - Even with 2/2 on it not enough rage for a Mortal Strike ? Is it too much if it gets increased effect by 50-100% and range by 5-10 yards?
and some additional stun duration for Charge and Intercept aswell?

+ Spell Reflect - It is hard enough to put a shield on before, the spell hits you and yet to waste 25 rage and the caster just to stop the cast and hit
5 seconds later for 7k. Maybe this skill can be changed so that it reflects all spells for its duration? This ability can be easily
countered if the caster pays attention, as it it easily visible and lasts shortly.

+ Second Wind and Blood Craze - My warrior character has 23+ k HP , and when I am stunned or immobilized I get healed for 2300 for 10 seconds.
That is 230 HP per second? Meanwhile I am getting hit for 2k, 3, ... 8k ( especially while frozen - Fingers of Frost and Shatter overwhelms
resilience ). My suggestion is that Second Wind and Blood Craze have increased effect by 100% ( 20% heal for Second Wind + 40 rage, 16% heal
Blood Craze ) and are made stackable up to 3-5 times ( you will get surprised to see how many times a warrior gets stunned or immobilized in
a fight ), each stack increasing their effects by 50-80%. Before you claim this as "overpowering"
remember that those are HoT effects for 10 and 6 seconds in which time the warrior will probably receive about 20k additional damage.
This will make the other players consider CC-ing the warrior more carefully in arenas and not just random stunning and freezing.

+ Iron Will - I suggest that some stamina bonus can be added to that skill. Maybe 10% on 3/3 ? This will make it useful for tanks aswell.

+ Deflection - Pretty useless as it is. Maybe Deflection and Toughness talents can be swapped?

+ Tactical Mastery and Anger Management - My question is: Will it be too much if a warrior can start any fight with 20-30 extra rage allowing 1 extra hit?
All warriors have issues against shielded targets. Maybe Tactical Mastery can keep up to 30 rage on 3/3 even out of combat for the warrior?
In that case it has to be moved up the tree allowing only Arms warriors to use it ( or not ? ) . Anger Management will increase the regeneration
rates of that rage.

Please write back - what you think and your suggestions on the topic. Will those changes ruin anyone's game strategy or just
make the warrior class competitive to the others? Are they possible?

Warriors are too similar to the Death Knights at this point, only the last have more healing, more damage, and more reduction of it. What clearly makes them
different is the shield. Does anyone think that it is possible to remake Arms tree so it boosts Shield + 2handed weapon equipped fighting techniques?
Or just increase Protection role in PvP by adding hybrid resilience / defense gear and healing reduction effects to Protection talent tree?

P.S: Those Changes do not go in pack, feel free to dislike, comment any of them.
Sorry for my grammar.
#3 - Feb. 23, 2009, 2:30 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This thread might be a good place to post about Arms Warriors: ;)

Locking this topic in order to prevent having multiple posts around the forums about the same thing getting lost.