Locked post ?

#0 - Feb. 17, 2009, 9:13 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I've wrote before to the reason why my posts in here always got locked........

Several people wrote ( before it again got locked ) that it might the use of capital letters...... kind of strange that you would not be allowed to use them, when the funktion is there...... however i went back to look over the rules of the forum.... and guess what.... had not violated a single one.......

So now i wish a Blue response on this.

If the forum is not applikaple to freedom of speech, then what use is it ?

I've seen posts n the forum , where the lanuage was harsh, rude even harrasing at yet they were not locked.. and it is really annoying since i use the forum when i have problems in the game.
#7 - Feb. 17, 2009, 9:39 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I've wrote before to the reason why my posts in here always got locked........

Several people wrote ( before it again got locked ) that it might the use of capital letters...... kind of strange that you would not be allowed to use them, when the funktion is there...... however i went back to look over the rules of the forum.... and guess what.... had not violated a single one.......

So now i wish a Blue response on this.

If the forum is not applikaple to freedom of speech, then what use is it ?

I've seen posts n the forum , where the lanuage was harsh, rude even harrasing at yet they were not locked.. and it is really annoying since i use the forum when i have problems in the game.

Please read this thread if you wish to understand why your threads were locked: