Ancilorn, a moment of your time

#0 - Feb. 15, 2009, 12:37 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hello Ancilorn and fellow warriors,

"Hello Ancilorn, wut?" yes I'm afraid i noticed your presence in the stickied 3.10 thread. No reason to
panic though, I'm not here to hold you for ransom and warrior buffs. Instead, while you're dwelling
on and off the warrior boards, i'd like to ask you a few questions.

But first a short introduction, I'm a four year old warrior and have therefor been through all the phases
of warrior development. I've got my thunderfury, tanking is my main occupation, pvping as Arms is what
i like to do whenever i'm not providing my services. You could say i'm a faithful customer and am asking
for merely a one on one Q&A session without pushing you into any incriminating position, I'm mostly
interested in opinions and perhaps a few hints at the ideology behind the warrior class as it currently

1. As a melee-only class without a lot of gimmicks and tricks up its sleeve, and compared to the other
melee oriented classes/specs who combine melee, magic and numerous noticable invulnerability-,
avoidance-, and escape mechanisms, would you agree that it would make sense for the guy without
those tricks to simply hit a lot harder in reprisal?

2. The rage-system is unique and is indefinite, but as it stands, it falters in pvp and thrives in pve. This
being mostly due to other classes being developed more and more to excel at repelling melee damage,
while in a pve environment the targets are mostly static, fully vulnerable and there are third party buffs
aiding us and directly influencing our rage income and thus our damage output. Simply put, rage is a
big factor in how well we perform. Why then is pvp being developed more and more in a direction where
our primary resource is denied alltogether (think shields, deterrence-mechanics, immunities)?

3. Comparing WotLK to TBC and vanilla WoW, Protection is the one tree that still allows us to be mobile
and of some significance in a pvp environment. This being due to Warbringer, short periods of spell
immunity, controllable damage, limited forms of CC (stuns/interrupts) and overall high endurance. Fury
and Arms however are far more fragile, have less endurance, less controll (both in CC and damage).
Fury is able to somewhat stand it's ground due to the tremendous spurt damage, Arms can't. But both
share the same weaknesses and in particular the same dependancies, namely being fully healer-
dependant, while Protection isn't (not half as much anyway). Would you agree that might indicate it may
just be time to look thoroughly at adding similar survivability and mobility to Arms and Fury, or rather the
warrior class as a whole, in order to bring the class back to the 20th century?

4. Penalties, penalties, penalties, the warrior class is swamped with them. I understand the incentive to
them, warriors could wreck someone in Vanilla WoW in moments, needless to say either our damage
needed to be perked in or we needed to be extra vulnerable to incoming damage to give the opposite side
a chance. During TBC however, where stamina and resilience did a pretty big number on the warrior
class, these penalties weren't revised and were appearantly deemed to be still needed. We're now in
the second expansion, stamina and resilience have further risen, classes have yet again further evolved,
and still our penalties remain while our damage output compared to vanilla WoW in percentages of the
enemies' HP pool has gone down drastically. I feel by now, even in TBC already, the penalties are
no longer justified by any means since the other classes have caught up and even surpassed us. Yet
the development team seems extremely hesitant touching these penalties and our extremely vulnerable
state. Could you perhaps shine a light on why it's deemed nessecary to keep our penalties in place? And
could you also throw a hint as to why warriors are developed to be so dependant on others to keep them
going at all?

I fully understand these are often reoccurring issues and questions, you must be dead tired of them by now,
but frankly so am I. Should you take the time to shine a light on these issues, be assured your answers
aren't taken as be and all official statements by the Dev's themselves, i do however think the community
here could use a little insight and reassuring words from an official. As right now, these boards are
literally flooded with angry, disappointed, frustrated, wondering threads which often point in the same
directions. Yet official posts nor Community Posters show much, if anything, that soothes the mindset.

Kind regards,

#2 - Feb. 16, 2009, 6:27 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I can see from your post, Clakz, you have a great deal of thoughts on your class of choice, and we certainly encourage you to share those with us. Sadly, I'm not in a position to answer your questions, as in doing so I would present you with my personal opinions and this is one thing I certainly am not at liberty to address here on the forums.

I do stress that feedback is something we thrive upon as we can and do pass constructive information and player thoughts on to those who can take them into consideration.

With that detail put out there, I urge you to post your thoughts within the following thread (of which I believe you're familar with already).
#7 - Feb. 16, 2009, 7 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
It needs it's post count extended (which I made a separate thread asking for >_>).
Post count bumped.