New Server Idea!

#0 - Jan. 4, 2009, 6:02 p.m.
Blizzard Post
My opinion is that since WotLK WoW has gone down hill, I also think BC tainted the game. Level 60 Wow was an amazing game, raiding was better and pvp was better. Now we see people who can't play properly, running around with top rated epics, its unfair and unjustified. Myself and a lot of other people I have asked, agree there should be a number of realms that are just for level 60 play, in other words capped at level 60. This way I believe it would balance out level 60 pvp which atm, is very unbalanced, E.g. 90% of the time there are 15+ more of one faction than of the other. I would very much appreciate peoples opinions on this, and if enough of us want it, maybe Blizzard will listen to us, the people who have paid £9 a month for years, and give us a few level 60 realms!
Thanks for reading this, and I hope there are other like minded people out there who will agree with me!

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#36 - Jan. 7, 2009, 10:25 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
My opinion is that since WotLK WoW has gone down hill, I also think BC tainted the game. Level 60 Wow was an amazing game, raiding was better and pvp was better. Now we see people who can't play properly, running around with top rated epics, its unfair and unjustified. Myself and a lot of other people I have asked, agree there should be a number of realms that are just for level 60 play, in other words capped at level 60. This way I believe it would balance out level 60 pvp which atm, is very unbalanced, E.g. 90% of the time there are 15+ more of one faction than of the other. I would very much appreciate peoples opinions on this, and if enough of us want it, maybe Blizzard will listen to us, the people who have paid £9 a month for years, and give us a few level 60 realms!
Thanks for reading this, and I hope there are other like minded people out there who will agree with me!

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This is not exactly a new idea:

Anyways, please try to remember to search before you post ;-)