Traveler's Tundra Mammoth.

#0 - Dec. 22, 2008, 10:07 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I'd like to give everyone a heads up to not make the same mistake i made by buying this pathetic excuse for a 3-seater mount.

When i bought my mammoth I was kinda hoping that this mount was going to behave as other mounts do, but as im sure everyone who's bought one has noticed, they dont....

Dismounting isnt instant, it has a little delay as you actually have to hop off of the mount, and the mount ITSELF can be killed. I'm really quite frustrated with this. Going into a battleground, and my mammoth getting killed as i try to run past someone isnt my idea of fun..

After realizing this, I immediately opened a ticket to try and get a refund. Apparently, because buying this mount gives an achievement, it can't be refunded. So now im 18,000g poorer and have a completely useless mount.
#13 - Dec. 23, 2008, 9:28 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I cba to dig up the post either, but I can confirm that a blizzard poster has said the vehicle-type mounts will behave like normal mounts next patch.

Yep it was me. All vehicle-style mounts will be changed to function as normal mounts, which should theoretically alleviate many issues people have with them. When? Probably 3.1 but this isn't confirmed.